Xehanna rushed to the owlery slamming the door open as she searched for a pen to write with. she found one lying on the ground. she took out the blank piece of parchment from her pocket. she began to write.
I can't believe i have to ask for another favor again. derek 4 xehanna zip. but this time its really serious. no one can know where your going or who your with. say you need time off. it may take a week. say you don't know where your going yet. im bringing a friend. this is really really important derek. try to be mature. remember the necklace i bought? yeah well now its making me do crazy things and that guy who sold it to me is everywhere i turn. hiding behind trees and in the lake and just everywhere. and i got bit by... well just in case this letter is accendentaly delivered to someone else i wont say what. i tried to talk to professor cassirin but she wasnt there. but i need you now more than ever. please please please derek this is serious. pick me up as soon as you can. Love your little sis
Xehanna rolled up the parchment and wrote
Derek on the outside. she tied it to the owls leg.
"This goes to Derek in the Secret Gardens of Romania. fast as possible please." she said as she pushed the owl on its way. she got out another piece of parchment and began to write.
I'm sorry for everything. i love you more than you'll ever know. Derek sends his love. dont write back.
One tear rolled down her cheek and she didnt even try to stop it.
"Send this to Mother." she said as she pushed the family owl out the window and wiped her tear. she ran out of there as fast as possible, sobbing.