Tasha finished writing her name on her letter and re- read it.
Mum and Dad,
Well, where to begin... I've had my first Arithmancy Lesson, my first Herbology Lesson, made some new friends... One of them is a Metamorphmus as well! Anyway... What have I missed? Oh yeah, I didn't make Gryffindor... I made Slytherin.
Please don't be mad at me! It's not as bad as Grandma and Grandpa say! Everyone really nice there!
Anyway... Give my love to Teddy... And Aunty Rose and Uncle Hugo... Don't forget Aunt Lily, Uncle James and Uncle Albus! I'll send everyone else a letter as well!
Love Tasha xx
She nodded once and then looked up for America.
"America" She said softly, poking the owl awake.
"Can you take this to mum and dad please..." She attached the letter to the snowy owl and watched as it took flight out the window.