Sam walked into the owlery and looked around at all the owls. She made her way over to her snowy owl, Cat, and patted her head. "Hello, Cat. Miss me?" she asked. Cat hooted at her owner, and Sam smiled. She pulled out some parchment and her quill and began her letter.
Dear mum,
School is fun so far. Classes haven't started yet, but I can't wait. I miss you both, and look forward to coming home during Christmas break. I've been spending my time with Hailey and catching up with everything we missed with each other over the summer. Trace is back also, for his sixth year. Don't mention this to father, but he has gotten cuter.
Sam smiled and thought of Trace.
I told Hailey how I felt and she giggled. I have a feeling Mason likes her. How has everything been at home? Good, I hope. Well, I should get back to the common room. I'm looking forward to your letter back. I can't wait to hear from you. Give father hugs and kisses for me, don't be gross about it. Hugs and kisses to you too mum.
Love you,
Sam read over her letter, and smiled. She folded it up and looked at Cat.
"Ok, here's the letter. Give it to mum. ok?"
Cat hooted. Sam handed the owl the letter and Cat quickly took it in her beak.
"Good. I'll be in the common room." Cat flew off, and Sam watched her. She left, and started down the stairs. She looked up and saw Trace and his friends. She stared for a second, and hesitated.