Finally! After ninety-five years, Peeves came into contact with his first ever vehicle that he found mildly fascinating compared with the broomstick. It was late one night as the poltergeist was lurking around the Forbidden Forest when a cyan Ford Anglia pulled right up to him and the driver seat door swung open, allowing Peeves to enter.
And Peeves did.
Within a few moments, Peeves had the thing flying over the Hogwarts castle, taking careful aim of slinging dungbombs into each window. Within a few moments, all the windows had been covered. The Ford Anglia quickly became Peeves’ personal prank spot.
This particular drabble is dedicated to another amazing badger; my little sister, successor captain, resident prankster, and friend … the one and only BanaBatGirl!! <3 I hearts you forever and ever and everrrrr, Sis!