Thread: Holding Room
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Old 01-04-2009, 03:47 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Raine Alexa Marner
Third Year

Alex looked curiously at the purple egg. Sampson had since left, and his attention turned back to the dragon eggs. "This cement colored one is a Horntail." he pointed to the egg in question. Alex wished he was wrong. A Horntail would be the last breed of Dragon they wanted to have hatch here. However nice their facilities were, the reservation in Romania was much better equipped for raising Horntails.

The black egg seemed easy as well. Alex's time spent rereading fantastic Beasts and where to find them had payed off. It also helped that he'd brought the book with him. Alex quickly wrote down which egg and it's species, or at least what they assumed it was.

Brown w/ green speckles: Welsh Green
Cement colored: Hungarian Horntail
Pure Black: Norwegian Ridgeback
Bright Purple: ???

The Bright purple egg seemed impossible to identify. Alex thumbed through his worn copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. He found no mention of purple eggs. Gesturing toward the egg, Alex asked, "Anyone have the slightest idea what Dragon that is?" While he waited for a response from the others, Alex began to list Dragon breeds that the egg absolutely could not be on the back of his paper, starting with the three they already identified:

Welsh Green- brown eggs w/ green speckles
Hungarian Horntail - cement colored eggs
Norwegian Ridgeback - black eggs
Antipodean Opaleye - grey eggs
Chinese Fireball - crimson eggs
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