Thread: Task 1
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Old 07-22-2004, 03:34 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Dragons have developed this skill over many, many thousands of centuries of evolution, and that there is a very easy explanation to this act.

Some Draconologists believe that Dragons were infact just large prehistoric lizards, which were extremely large and used their tounges to 'smell'(similar to snakes) And that ancient man had seen these and drew pictures. Then the men of later times had seen these pictures and misinterpreted them, as large fire breathing monsters. This would also come to the conclusion that there were never any Dragons as we know them. This I would strongly disagree with. I think, however, that there are Dragons and they did breathe fire.

Dragons breathe air, like all of the creatures of the land, and much like other mammals their body would take what it needs to survive and then expel the gases that were not needed. But because Dragons spend a lot of there time very high in the atmosphere, where oxygen is very sparse, their bodies adapted to using the most abundant gas in Earths atmosphere, Nitrogen. This would cause the Dragons to expel large amounts of pure oxygen, for it is not needed. When Dragons drink(water is the most common drink for a dragon) they only use the one hydrogen for body nutrients. This chemical reaction caused by the taking of one hydrogen also separates the oxygen and one hydrogen into separate gases, mix in the Dragons stomach, which the dragon can 'burp' up. This plus the left over gases from respiration make a very large amount of flamable material.

The Dragon has two small lumps of tissue in the back of its throat, inside a crevice, between these two lumps there is a small jolt of electricity that passes across them constantly. This occurs because there is a large abount of special nerves within the lumps, and they send messages across to each other causing electic jolts to span the gap. So when the gases are passed through the mouth, the electicity ignites them and they create a jet of flame. Over the crevice there is a large thick membrane that can be controled conciously by the Dragon. This membrane can open or close over the lumps of tissue so that the Dragon can breathe through its mouth without having to breathe fire. Inside the dragons mouth there are several glands which excrete a extremely strong, non-heat conducting mucus. This mucus lines the inside of the Dragons mouth so the Dragon does not burn itself when it breathes fire. Contrary to some Draconologists, Dragons cannot breathe fire through their noses. And also, contrary to a lot of standard Dragon stories, they do not expel any smoke. To do this they would have to burn something like wood or coal, where all of the material can not be burnt, and are passed out as gases.

Not all Dragons breath fire. Those who do not breath fire, blos out jets of hot stream out of thier nostrils. Some other use their claws and wings as an attack source and some dragon's hide are able to camaflouge.

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