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"Oooh, May? That's one of my favorite months. Not too hot, not too cold. That'll be a nice time to deliver." As Reagan listened to Egypt talk about her kids, her smile dropped into open-mouthed surprise. "You have five children and these two will make seven? Oh my word! How do you find the energy to even come to work in the morning? I'm thoroughly impressed!" Reagan wanted a family of her own, but she could never handle one that big! Reagan always pictured herself with a small family - a husband, maybe two kids. But she was impressed by Egypt's ability to handle it all and envious of the happiness she clearly was filled with.
Returning the conversation to the more serious and immediate of topics, "You have time right now to come up? That would be perfect. The sooner we ensure the safety of the Minister, the better I'll feel." Reagan stood from her seat on the small couch and waited for Egypt to do the same and lead the way out of her office to the lifts.
"Yes it is a rather pleasant time to have children. Spring is in the air and its right before the summer." She thought happily. They could still go back to Ghana for the family vacation.
"Well its a work of love." She said simply. in the early years with Paris it was hard to balance work and home, but she was a old hand at it now.
She stood up and followed Reagan.
"Yes ma'am of course I have the time now to tend to the Minister and his needs." She said as she opened the door and stood back to let Reagan through first.