Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus Illegal Magic 46. Tergeo
Draco gritted his teeth and shut his eyes tightly, trying to ignore the sounds which floated up to him from the landing. His parents had been arguing again, as they frequently did, and once again his Father had resorted to physical abuse. Narcissa’s muffled cries rang out throughout the cold manor as Lucius’ shouts filled the stairway.
Minutes passed, although to the fifteen-year-old boy sitting on his bed, it felt like hours. Silence fell, but still Draco waited, just in case his Father was still there. He cursed his own cowardice and weakness, his inability to help his mother when there was nobody to protect her, and again he swore that one day, he would have his revenge on the man he called his father.
Creeping down the stairs, he picked up his mother’s wand where she had left it, knowing this way the Ministry would be oblivious to him using magic at home.
“Tergeo” he whispered, watching the blood vanish along with the tears which had dried on his mother’s unconscious face.
He levitated her carefully to her room, ignorant of the tears which blurred his won vision.
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