The first thing you notice about this office is the exceptionally large desk, which, if you look closer; seems to have unusual scuffmarks on its surface. Perhaps it serves a less mundane purpose than simply a desk? A large and comfortable looking chair sits behind it; obviously this is Ethan’s chair though you will rarely find him sitting in it.
Three smaller, yet no less comfortable looking chairs are arranged facing the desk, ready for any visiting students to take a seat. While waiting you might notice a large bookcase along one wall; though there are no books on it. Instead it is brimming with photo frames. Pictures of Ethan in his days as a student at WADA, one of him as a thirteen year old in Slytherin robes, a selection of him a few years ago with various dragons in the background, one of him on a muggle sailing ship, another on stage dressed in tights and holding a skull and one of him in Egypt working with curse breakers. An old looking gramophone sits on the bookcase with a selection of records stacked haphazardly to one side, various eras of music are represented; of both the wizarding and the muggle variety. On the walls his OWL and NEWT results are proudly displayed alongside certificates proclaiming his knowledge and familiarity with various Dragon breeds.
A large basket sits in one corner, and a slight snoring sound can often be heard coming from this direction where Ethan’s chihuahua puppy makes its bed.
The walls and ceiling are blue for reasons Truebridge hasn’t discovered, but he is content with the décor for now.
But where is the professor?