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Reagan's expression changed completely once addressed by Egypt. As her lips pulled into a smile, Reagan entered the office and extended her hand in greeting, "Hello Ms. Greenwood. I apologize for the disturbance." Reagan took a seat on the love seat to which Egypt was gesturing, adjusting her pencil skirt so that it wasn't bunched below her. Crossing her ankles and leaning back against the soft material, Reagan commented with a chuckle, "This is rather comfortable, isn't it? I should consider one for my office." Reagan felt the material of the arm of the loveseat before turning her attention fully to Egypt, "How are you, Ms. Greenwood?"
She took Reagan's hand and shook. Gosh, this woman was strong. First Alexa almost squeezed her to death in a bear hug and now Reagan almost broke her hand. She needed to beef up or something. She was too frail for these ministry witches around here.
"Oh Ms. Taylor its never a disturbance." She said with smile. She knew the woman got treated like a gloried assistant most of the time and her heart went out to her for putting up with minister Cooper and his tutti frutti wife. She noticed the Chanel skirt Reagan was wearing as she sat down on the loveseat. Reagan stock was rising in Egypt's book.
"Oh yes I love that seat. Its the same chaise from Coco Chanel's bedroom. I bought it at Sotheby's." She explained to her. Chanel was like her fashion idol. Her and her daughter had replica Chanel closets at home. Egypt sat down in the chair in front of her desk and crossed her legs.
"Please call me Egypt. We are very informal on Level 8 Ms. Taylor." she said with smile. She didn't stand on a lot of ceremony. It was so impersonal.
"I am doing splendid." She wanted to gush about her impending pregnancy but she had heard that Reagan was not one for idle chitchat so she refrained.
But I must say that I am sadden by the recent turn of events." She said growing very somber.