Who says you're too young to know love? Willie Crocker just got here and he's already in love.
SPOILER!!: This is too good to get deleted XD
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You know when at some muggle movies there's a scene when music falls in as someone meets the love of his or her life for the first time? And then, along with that movie, visions of themselves frolicking in the field of flowers, jumping into each other's arms and claiming their love to one another?
Willie was having that moment. Only, in his own way. There was music in the air, for sure. And visions of love claiming was happening, only there was no frolicking. There was standing side by side, both grabbing a brush and drawing a heart of love. Their love.
A dreamy sigh fell from the little boy's mouth as he stared some more at the pretty girl. She was even prettier up close. His eye widened and his heart stopped as her hand ruffled his hair. She... she... she touched him! She touched him! Oh joy! Oh great joy and happiness! Rejoice good people! Willie's small little fragile heart was beating against his chest, ready to rip off his skin and fall to the ground.
This was love! Love!
He hadn't payed attention to Reddy, but he only paid attention to the pretty girl. To his pretty girl. And then, when she spoke, her voice sounded like the angels themselves and maybe even better! She was simply stunning. "Evangelineeeee," he repeated dreamily. Her name tasted like honey on his lips, sweet and everlasting. He wanted more! "Me name'th Williiieeeeee. Willie Crockeeeeer." The small boy smiled goofily, his eyes gazing dreamily at her.
Ahh love!