Caleum began to snicker. This intern was quite a charmer when she wanted to be. "Then don't threaten me with your cheap tactics when you are nothing but all talk and no action." He wasn't trying to make her mad, she was already there by herself and without his help. She seemed to be mad...all the time.
He moved to the side towards his friend Neo. At least there would be a good conversation and one that he wanted to engage. But he had one last thing to say to Cassandra and if she did anything to him, well he had witnesses. "Don't forget, I can make your life just as insufferable...toots."
Her head nearly imploded from anger... Toots? Toots?!?
"Sometimes I wish I was irrational like a muggle and just bust your lip open with my own fist..." She said right to his face. She glanced at Masterson and let out a low growl.
Caleum raised both brows and stuck out his bottom lip. "Now now," he began with no calming to his voice what so ever. He knew he was only making her even more mad at the moment. Pushing her buttons, what a fun thing to do. "We must not threaten other staff members Trelawney. It's not a very nice thing to do. Hitting will not solve anything." Snickers lowly.
"I didn't say I was going to do it, you poor excuse for a man!" She said furious with him. "Not only would I make a better DADA professor, but Amelia Rose would!" Her hand went to her wand. If he said one more rude thing, JUST ONE MORE... Being fired would be worth it!
"You have reduced yourself to name calling," he snorted as he turned his head and yawned. This was boring him and now she was becoming childish. But Amelia Rose? Who the heck was that? He shrugged his shoulders and didn't say another word. He knew he was beyond pushing her to the limit and he was ready for her to swing at any time or at least take a hit.
"I do not name call, Myers..." She said starting to calm down a bit, "I was making a comparison, name calling would be calling you a pompous prat!"
"Or calling you an overgrown Hufflepuff," he said licking his lips to cover the smirky smile that was easing back to his lips. This was not Caleum. This was not the way he worked. He needed to get away from Trelawney and fast! But it was just too much fun.
Her wand came up, and she cast a non verbal diffindo charm towards his pretty little face. He was the DADA Assistant professor... she knew he was going to shield himself from the charm, but it still felt good to cast.
It was as if this were happening in slow motion. Caleum watched as she reached for her wand, knowing that she was going to do something she or he would regret. "Protego ," he mumbled bringing his wand up and shielding her spell, not knowing what she was about to cast. His blue eyes grew wide as he could not believe what just happened. "Accio wand." He wanted her wand so that she could not hurt others around him, forgetting about himself at the moment.
"At least we should be in the dueling arena for this...mess."
Her wand jerked into her hand. She was holding onto it for dear life. She was going to lose your job. "Lay. OFF!" She said to him still struggling trying to hold her wand. "Let GO!" She was now a matter of national security. "And I will come with you to the Duelling Arena..."
Caleum knew this was not a practice, he knew this was real. He had been trained to deal with criminals worse than Trelawney and ran into his fair share of many, leading to one of the most notorious caught red handed. "I think you just need to leave and quickly," he said, wiping the smirk off of his face and glaring at the nurse intern through narrowed eyes.
"I'm not taking a chance on students and staff being hurt because you don't know the proper way of using your wand. I thought you graduated from here?" He was not joking, they were past that. He was now more concerned for the ones around him, thankful that there were not any students among them at the moment.
"Let GO Now!" She said still struggling with her wand. "You think I'm a danger to students and professors? You don't think I knew you were going to shield? I'm not casting now... I could, but I'm not." Merlin's Intestines! He was going to tell Rae... "End the spell Myers," she nearly slipped. "I'll leave." She conceded. But she wouldn't leave without her wand... this had been the fourth replacement.
Caleum looked at Trelawney with a look of force. He was beyond the point of playing and now the idea of her hurting others from simple teasing was just enough. "I'll let you go but you can pick up your wand from the Headmistress," he said as he waved his wand, releasing the spell. "Yes. I see just how much you care for others."
He didn't look at another soul and certainly didn't speak. He had one thing on his mind and that was to speak to her.
Cassandra was FURIOUS! "You aren't, never have been and never will be MY professor. The wand is MINE, not yours. Give it to me. Now."
"Why should I? Give me a perfect reason because you cannot be trusted," he said as he began to walk away from Trelawney. "At least this way I know you won't attack me from behind." Now it was time he made his way towards the Headmistress's office and quickly before she got another evil idea.