Please excuse the long absence, but here I am, back again!
First Time 41. Scourgify
He would never admit to anybody that this had been his first spell, but Draco would never forget the surge of pride and exultation which he felt when the shimmering thread of magic left his wand. He’d heard his mother use it more than frequently, in the kitchen or the bathroom, and it was the first thing which had come to mind when he picked up the wand at Ollivander’s.
Scourgify!” his whispered, flicking the flexible piece of wood held between the pale fingers of an eleven-year-old.
A warm breeze blew back his platinum hair as the dust on the counter disappeared.
“Splendid! Absolutely astounding, to be able to complete a spell at your first ever attempt…” Ollivander shook his head, smiling as he packed away the newly purchased wand.
Draco allowed himself a self satisfied smirk. Everyone knew the Malfoys were the best.