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Old 12-24-2008, 12:16 PM   #58 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by lemondrop13 View Post
Reagan placed on the table the damp cloth that she was dabbing on Clara's brow and hurried over to the French Minister. Kneeling beside him, she once again placed two fingers to his neck and felt for his pulse. There was none. She placed her ear near his nose mouth and tried to listen and feel for breathing, but there was none. She shook her head and explained, "I'm afraid there won't be any reviving this man. Between the blood that he's lost, and more importantly, the poison that now taints his blood and has made its way to his brain, there isn't an antivenom strong enough." Reagan's eyes became glossy, but she fought back the tears, wanting to serve as a pillar of strength when so many people would be devastated by such a disaster.

Reagan stood to her full height and began, "Without Minister Cooper here, it is hard to say what he would want done. But I think that after the events that have occurred today, it would be best to end this Conference early. I will send correspondance to each your Ministries regarding the matters that were to be discussed and perhaps correspondance by paper would be most effective in this unique situation.

"With that said, I think it would be best if I escort all of the Ministers to the fireplace on this level so that you may take the Floo network back to your Ministries. My sincerest apologies for the grave turn of events that have occurred here. I assure you that we will see that this woman is brought to justice, whether here or in the country of France, who likely will want this woman extradited and punished to the full extent of the law."
Reagan glanced at the bound woman with disgust and added, "Any employees here from the Security or Law Enforcement departments, please keep this woman secure and in this room, while I see to the safe departure of the Ministers. I will return and we will discuss our options."

Gesturing to the foreign Ministers, she requested, "Please gather your belongings and follow me. If you have any belongings that are not here with you right now, that you may have left in your sleeping quarters, please let me know and I will ensure that those belongings are safely returned to you in the coming days. Again, my sincerest apologies..."

OOC: My next post will be in the 'Foreign Ministers Arrival/Departure Area.' Please post your exit of the Ministry in that thread.
Rebecca sniffed "Why??" she asked herself over and over again "sure" she said simply to Reagan

Originally Posted by kami12 View Post
"Hehe you must be kinding me" Forrester replied as he turned to Nicoli. "The young girl from Hogwarts was Rachel and she was escorted with Mrs. Samantha Rose, head of education department... The jewel thief named himself Raoul... You were checking for any clues in the memories to get into the thief mind and try to get to him, I helped you by supplying my unique human temporary cloning potion." Forrester replied as he looked at Nicoli.
But then Reagan went on and checked on the french minister that she declared dead, but he needed to check before, making that as Reagan spoke to the other ministers, Forrester knealed next to the man and checked for his pulse, then he casted a charm that gave a green light above the minister's head before disappearing.
"Yes he is dead, and I will personally supervise the woman's body as we wait that she would be moved to St. Mungo's" Forrester said as he looked determined at Mrs. Reagan. We are certainly going to have a talk and why did that woman have bites all over her if she was the attacker?, Forrester thought as he looked at Nicoli before turning his attention to the woman's body and guarded her as the ministers starting leaving the break room.
Rebecca sighed "I'll help you Forrester" she nodded as she cast a glance at Nicoli

Originally Posted by hrmy_lvr_4evr View Post
Violet looked up. So he was dead. She looked back down at him. The thought occurred to her that she was holding the head of a corpse in her lap. She put it down on the ground gently and stood up with tears welling in her eyes. She blinked them away and watched silently as the Ministers filed out. "Well, I'm not in Law Enforcement," she mumbled to herself, "And..." she checked her watch. "My department's discussion should be starting soon anyway." She cast one last long look around the break room, then with a sad sigh turned and left the break room.
Rebecca saw the girl leave rather dejectedly, she got up and put a hand on her shoulder "you did all you could" she assured her

Originally Posted by Linda Hagrid View Post

Nicoli exhaled slowly and released Forrester from his bonds.
"I apologize," he said, "I assumed there was either something the matter with you...or you were the jewel thief..." Nicoli paused, "Constant vigilance and all," he continued weakly.
He stood and took his position next to the mosquito-woman once again. So they had killed a Minister. There goes all hopes of Inter-Ministry confidence. With this, there goes all hope for Law Enforcement in the British Ministry. He glanced down at the woman's face, why in the world would she attack the Minister's Wife?
"Maybe you should go with Miss Taylor, Nicoli" Rebecca said with a small smile, she knew he probably wanted to get out of there
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