"Oh, thank you." Freya said as she graciously accepted the pie and hot drink. "Yes, it is a shame. Fortunately you managed to scrape in this last one as well. To think you might actually have had to leave this year." She took a piece of the pie and fed each of her owls a small bit."There. Now don't say I haven't treated you well." Freya looked to Penelope again. "At least we will both have interesting summers...to say the least." She took a sip of her drink. "You can let your owl out too. I promise my two won't bother him in the slightest. They will behave." At her last words she gave both her birds a sharp look.
Penelope opened her owls cage and let him out, he flew to the other birds. She too had a drink and something to eat.
'Yes, I'm glad they thought I needed another year, I was hoping that would happen.' She thought about her summer ahead.
'Yes, interesting to say the least indeed, now to think of it, my friend should be at the platform when we get in, you'll get to meet him, lucky you'. She said with a grin.