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Old 12-23-2008, 07:54 PM   #384 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

"Just a tad," Alina said with a nod. "Especially with the new...addition." She said the last word slowly and softly. As excited as was, she was still slightly nervous about telling everyone. The only people that knew so far were her and Theo's parents, and the twins, and it seemed strange to be making that kind of announcement when it was so unexpected.

Coming from her thoughts, Alina smiled. "Why of course they are. I think Theo still misses his Mummy, and Nia is probably coming home to get spoiled by the Grandparents." She laughed. "I'm glad they chose to come home though. It'd be way too quiet without them, and it adds to the excitement with Santa and so on."

Alina nodded. So he and Si were still going strong then? That was good to hear. "Ooo, you moved in together? Sounds like it's going well then. You alright for linen and stuff?" Alina asked, "I mean, we've got loads we were bought when we got married, and has barely been used. Towels and the like. I can have a sort through if you need anything."
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