Originally Posted by
Amira With a C
Camira smiled slightly. She was forgiven...ish. She'd have to prove she deserved it, of course. "Thank you", she said sincerely. It just proved how much of a friend Kayla really was. She'd better make damn sure that she didn't do anything else to upset her. Ever. But back to the housing thing. "And thanks for the offer. I think I need to take care of some things at home first. Besides, Greece reminds me too much of Helios. I'd be creeped out the whole time I was there", she said half joking. Maybe she could lighten up the situation.
"Anytime" Kayla replied and then she chuckled in spite of herself. "Well I didn't think of that when I bought the place" and then she burst out laughing as she remembered the feast. "We actually got into a fight and he had the nerve to tell me to stay away from his kingdom" she snorted and shook her head. "Like I ever want to be caught dead anywhere near his residence." She brushed away the thought that she had actually made a play for the Prince this year but that was purely for her own evil purposes and nothing more.