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She started laughing so hard that the shaking she was doing started to agitate the bat on her head. "Oh, crap," she said as the thing dug it's claws into her head. She did not like bats when they were digging into her head and screaming in her ears.
Straightening herself up again, she forced herself to stop laughing, which made the bat finally shut up again. "I know you Kyler. You're just in denial. I could be your new guinea pig if you want." She gave another snort then let the subject drop.
"Oops," she muttered as the bat suddenly went insane. Maybe poking the thing wasn't the wisest thing she'd ever done. "OUCH!!" she exclaimed as the animal scratched her. "She's crazy I tell you!!" she added, as Kyler finally scooped her off of her head. "Now you are my Saviour, Kyler. You saved me from the evil monster bat." She started to rub her head where she was scratched.
"You are a real ladies man," she said smiling at him. "You could take Mads on and beat him maybe," she added giggling. But it was a little forced. She was still feeling upset over what had happened the day before. She wondered if Kyler had heard about it.
She was just going to ask him when there was a knock on the compartment door.
Turning her head, she saw that it was her friend, Whitney. Suddenly smiling for real, she quickly got up and opened the door for the girl. "Hey, Whitney!" she said happily. Though she felt a little awkward as well, after the whole crying thing at the Feast.
She shook that out of her mind and told the girl to join them. "This is my lover boy, Kyler," she said indicating the boy she was with. She gave out a snort. "Nah, I'm just kidding. Though we did used to date a few years ago.
PFFFFFT. Now she wanted to make A public makeout? Why did girls always have to juggle their ideas around? It got quite annoying. He wiggled his finger at her. "Oh no, but you'd only want that, wouldn't you? We can't get you're hopes up now.." There's A good way to turn the tables.
And she made A remark on his cutsie bat? NUUH! "Cookie's not A Monster! She's to cute and fluffy to look any more mutated." Kyler snuggled the small bulge inside his jacket, and it squeeked. "See? She's too lovely." Talk about the boy who's supposed to be running from these things.
And she went back to the whole 'Ladies man' Role. "Aw, you're too flattering." He fluttered his lashes A bit, before chuckling deeply and leaning back into his seat. "I could beat Mads at the role, any day, no doubt." He winked. "And what's going on with you and you're
boy toy, anyway? Anything I need to know-"
But before he could finish his sentence, A ratting came to the glass door and forest green eyes turned quickly. Way to come on good timing.
Snort. And it ended up Lima knew the girl, so Kyler didn't complain. Besides, the more friends, the better, right? And Lima called him lover boy, whhhha? "Ha-Ha-Haaai." He grinned, raised A large hand in A small wave of greeting, before Lima's next comment got to the better of him.
Teeth snapped at her. "Way to jump to conclusions, Whiggles! Am I known as 'The Ex' to all you're friends, cause that's what you tell them At first sight of me? What A title." Kyler snorted, then started mumbling to himself, leaning back in his seat. "Or maybe it's just A pride thing you girls do, who knows.."