Originally Posted by
finfin91 Good interview. Wasn't he in an American TV show where he played a photojournalist but gets killed off while in Iraq? Was it West Wing? Does anyone know? This was way before HP and the blond wig.
Yes, he was in West Wing, in three episodes spanning then end of season 5 and the beginning of season 6. The episodes were 'Gaza', 'Memorial Day' and 'NSF Thurmont'. He played a photojournalist called Colin Ayres (with an adorable Irish accent) in Gaza (not Iraq). He didn't get killed off; he was a love interest for Donna Moss who was later badly hurt in an explosion. There were some interesting scenes between Ayres and Josh Lyman, who was jealous of his involvement with Donna.
It was an interesting little arc, with the balanced approach you'd expect from the West Wing - before she's injured, Ayres takes Donna to talk with Israeli settlers and soldiers, and with Palestinians, in order to let her hear all sides of the situation.
Originally Posted by
aliciahutchinson I've been a huge fan ever since it first came out onto paper, and even now at 23 my love for this particular fantasy has not faded...wow, that might be a little pathetic lol but oh well, I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!!!
I feel the same way. I started reading the books when CoS came out, I'm still completely addicted - and I'm 42!