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Astrid had an infuriated look in her eye, but other than that, not a line on her face to give away the way she felt. She looked at Vannie and smiled. "Yes Vanessa. I am more than okay. I was just on my way back to my table. Care to join me? I haven't seen Miles in awhile, you can tell me how he is." she said.
Then she glared over at Ross and said, "And there's room for one more when you're free from the grip of that....person, you know where to find me." Having said that, she turned around, flipping her hair over her shoulder and walked away.
Jayne cackled "That person... has a name" she smirked "Jayne Todd, Hufflepuff" she nodded to Astrid "Go and flirt with your
little Gryffie friends" she snorted as she sat on Ross's lap for the third time