Originally Posted by
Monkey Princess
She chuckled knowing how much that statement was true. "That's exactly how I feel about my seven years here. It feels like I just got my letter and now I'm graduating." she replied nodding.
Well, she may as well get one part of this out of the way she thought moving the bag so she was holding on to the top and bottom, securely of course. "What color do you want?" she asked mysteriously, a twinkle appearing in her eye as she opened the bag a tiny bit. If you listened carefully you could hear a soft meow escape the clutches of the dark domain.
Before she could get a reply she felt a presence near her and looked up, to see the groundskeeper. "Hello Mr. Masterson." she said in a high cheery voice.
Madame Kohan smiled again, knowing that exact feeling. "Yes...interesting how seven years passes by so quickly...though you've learned quite a bit..and you have many memories."
As the Ravenclaw suddenly became shifty and mysterious, Madame Kohan watched curiously just as Ariana opened the bag just a bit. Even over the sounds of the chattering students and professors, Angela could hear the small sound. The kittens! She had nearly forgotten about them!
Now straightening up, she leaned forward slightly. "What colors do you have? Happen to have a black with white paws?" She asked eagerly.
Originally Posted by
The speech couldn't wait any longer, or else she'd be shouting after them as they lined up for the train. Rae rose slowly to her feet and looked for Lainey. But of course, Lainey wouldn't be there yet, if she made it at all. She had work to do.
"Students," Rae lifted her chin and called out to the hall, waiting for them to fall quiet. The tilt of her chin was almost haughty, but her smile for the students was warm. "We come to the end of yet another term at Hogwarts. I want to thank you all for the work you've done this term, both for your houses and for your own education. I feel proud to know those of you leaving the school after this term, and we hope that we've given you enough to take the world by storm."
Rae bowed to the Ravenclaw table. "Congratulations to Ravenclaw for winning the Quidditch Cup this term. You were magnificent. And congratulations to the Gryffindors for winning the House cup." She gave them a bow too.
"The train will arrive soon, so I hope you will enjoy the feast and make sure you get home safely. Hogwarts will, of course, be here next term. There will be a lot of new faces." Her mouth opened and closed a few times, and Rae's shoulders slumped forward. "I can't just..."
She glanced up again, piercing the room with a searching look, taking in each face. "I have a letter." From inside her robes, Rae drew a crumpled sheet of paper. Her face was pale, but her voice was steady.
"My dear staff and students,
There is an old saying that Aurors never retire. They simply fight to the death and then stand guard over heaven. The last few years have been a reprieve from my time as an Auror, a chance to rest after the greatest tragedy of my life and a chance to refocus my energy for the greatest cause I could pick up... all of you.
But at the end of the day, I have been fooling myself. Hogwarts is safe. You are safe. It is the world outside of Hogwarts that is fraught with danger, and now that I have made this place safe for you, I must turn to the greater world in my battle against the Dark.
There is a new menace, in a place far from here, and they have asked a select few to come and fight. Professor Lainey and I are leading the team. It was the easiest decision of my life to come work at Hogwarts, and it is the hardest of my life to leave. I have loved my time here and the healing it has brought me, and I carry each of you in my heart. For truly, I am fighting on your behalf.
So I must bid you good bye, not just for the summer, but for longer. I cannot say how long this menace lasts, nor if it will be the last. I can only say that you are the true treasures of Hogwarts and..."
She couldn't finish the letter, so she stuffed the piece of paper back in her pocket and wiped her streaming eyes. Now this was certainly unprofessional, but she couldn't bring herself to care.
And just as suddenly as her happy mood had come on, it disappeared. She was all smiles at the beginning of the Headmistress's speech, knowing that the students should be proud for their accomplishments.
But once she pulled out the letter and began to read, Angela sank back into her chair, unable to keep the expression of shock and disbelief off of her face. The Headmistress was leaving? And Lainey? Her head spun momentarily with confusion and utter sadness. Of course, they were needed elsewhere, but...what would Hogwarts be like without their familiar faces present day after day?
Glancing towards Alex and a few other professors, Angela smiled slightly as she noticed Constantine's gestures. Though for the moment, she did nothing either, as most of the staff was, like her, frozen with shock. And she had a feeling that Cassandra would not want everyone rushing over to her at one time.