Originally Posted by
aussiegirl Kayla nodded and looked at Amanda again. "Yeah it is" she agreed. Life was too short to have enemies and she had enough of them on the outside, she really didn't want anymore.
Kayla's facial expression changed immediately to one of sympathy. "Oh I am so sorry to hear that" she wasn't sure on what else to say and she looked at Nico and then to Amanda. Then hearing Whitney mention Greece, Kayla nodded. "Yeah I am, I have a villa on one of the islands. Maybe you could come over one day, you know if it gets a bit much for you" she hoped Nico didn't mind that she seemed to be inviting about half the school to her villa. But she didn't want to spend too much time on her own, she was likely to do something reckless if she got too bored.
Whitney was sorry to have brought on the sad feelings. She saw Kayla look from Nico, to Amanda and back to her. They didn't know about her father either.
"It's okay. I'm getting better with it though." For now, she was okay with it. She couldn't imagine how things would be when she got to her mother. Whitney had no idea how she was doing; she never wrote back to that letter.
"It sounds beautiful. And thank you but," Whitney thought for a moment.
"I should probably stay home and take care of things." She regretted her answer but she knew it was the right thing.
"If things become too much, I'll just write or sing. Maybe next time though." She said almost laughing. She wasn't sure why she wanted to laugh though, the only reason would be because it had been forever since Whitney had last sang
or wrote.