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Raiden smiled happily when Nicholai Toussaint introduced him to two girls who he had been chatting with before Raiden had sat down at the table. He bowed his head a little and held out his right hand to shake theirs.
"Nice to meet you, Whitney and Amanda. I hope I get to see you more next term... I was kinda caught up in stuff this term, I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you two until now." He smiled at them, his eyes going uneven with the expression. "I want to meet everybody, eventually... I like to make friends."
He looked at Nicholai Toussaint and let out a little laugh.
"Nicholai Toussaint is my friend already... he helps me a lot. And any friends of Nicholai Toussaint are friends of mine... I hope." At the mention of Celandine, Raiden looked at the Ravenclaw Table. "I haven't got to see Celandine in a while now... I miss her!"
Nicholai made a face; knowing his sister was still in the broom closet where he had locked her to come down from her sugar high. He expected she'd appear soon enough though. He looked at Raiden for a moment before quietly speaking, "Oh Raiden, I found something of yours."
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She had seen Raiden around before, mostly around Nico, but had never actually spoken to him. "No I don't believe we have met. It's very nice to meet you Raiden" Whitney said with a big smile and sticking her hand out.
"First Place!" she said laughing. Who knew feasts could be so much fun. Reuniting with friends was always good. "So Nico, what are you doing over the summer?" she asked. Then she remembered Amanda was going over to his place. "Other than hanging out with Amanda."
Turning back to Raiden, she said, "It'd be great seeing you again next term. If not on the train." Smiling she replied to his next comment, "Friends are great. If you find the right ones. It would be a little hard to meet everyone and keep up with your study's." she said laughing. Somehow it always came back to school.
"Well, I'll probably spend the majority of my free time with Kayla. Maybe Maddox too and obviously Camira since she is staying as well." Nico smiled, "Oh Raiden is friends with everyone; even Trelawney likes him."
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"Well after being sent to the hospital wing a lot, I thought that it was best to call a truce, plus my friend Camira, who's like the older sister I've never had, told me that it was a good idea. Yeah, well next term I'll be able to show you a lot more" Amanda said and smiled.
Nicholai shrugged, "Camira and Kayla are friends you know." and as long as Kayla never found out certain things, Nicholai was hoping it would stay that way.