Originally Posted by
SeerCassandraTrelawney "It had many good moments, and obviously," she looked over to Caleum then back at Kohan, "some bad ones, but it was nice to be back at Hogwarts... it's home... for a lot of us."
Not completely oblivious to the tension that settled around a few of her fellow staff, Angela did her best to ignore it. There was no way she was getting involved.
"Yes..that is certainly true. I don't know what I would do without Hogwarts. It certainly has been a place of comfort." She agreed as she pulled a goblet towards her. "Good and bad...I suppose that goes with anything in life." She remarked nonchalantly as her gaze wandered over the chattering students.
Originally Posted by
LadyNerd Caleum turned to smile at Angela. "I know. I'm rather upset that I didn't get by the library in time before the end of term," he said with with a sigh. "And yes that was the last time we spoke. I hope this year has treated you well." He completely ignored the fact that Angela spoke to Trelawney but didn't miss that Sophie spoke to her as well..
"Well, perhaps next term then." She answered before nodding slowly. "Quite well, in fact. Nothing of ill ways came about, so for that I'm quite thankful."
A smile lit her face for a few moments as she noticed Sophie sit next to Caleum. "Sophie! Hello! Had a nice term?"
Originally Posted by
Raider Alex entered the Great Hall, eyes down reading a small piece of paper as she walked. Her face was a bit pale and her mouth set in a grim line as she sat down at the Staff table next to David. "Good evening David" she said with a smile that made her look like she wasabout to be sick, "How are you? I'm terribly sorry we didnt get to spend more time together during this term."
As she spoke, the hand resting upon her lap was crumpling the paper, which appeared to be an official looking letter, and stuffed it ino her pocket with force.
Nodding towards Professor Kapoor as he took his place at the table, Angela's attention was diverted towards Sophie and Caleum momentarily before she noticed Alex.
Her quick eyes picked up the tense movements and her usually cheerful expression turned down into a frown. She shifted her seat a bit closer, leaning over to catch Alex's attention. "Hey..what's going on?" She inquired quietly.