↑Lyrical Life beastie pwnage!
"I know we all have," He grinned. Him being one of of the busiest. And she brought up the sobject of her parents death, and he felt so much pity, it also including the fact that the anniversary of his father's death would be sooner than her own parents. "Aw, hunny," He gave A small pout, holding in as much emotion as possible, and pulled her in for another hug. "I'm so sorry, really I am. You know i'm always here when you need me."
And het tone turned into an edgy whip of tongue, and he snorted lightly to himslef, taking another sip of punch. "Ey now, i'm just checking up." HUfflepuffer? Kyler had never really thought that he ould have turned out to be one, but with him being so much self-adsorbed, it was someting that blew way over his head. "How so? I could never see it." He poked his tonue out lightly, and as she scooped food onto her own plate, he took his own fork, and took A peice of chicken, popping it into his mouth while she wasn't looking. "And tell me why you weren't put into Gryfindor, seeing as ambitious as you are."
__________________ _________________________________________Painting Daisies 
If you call my name out loud, do you suppose that I would come running
Do you suppose I'd come at all.. ____________________ I suppose I would |