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Dominic dawdled into the Great Hall for the end-of-term-feast. He had officially survived one year in the "public" schools. Even though he had met a few good acquaintances, the year had felt strange and disconnected. His mother would be proud no doubt for involving himself in a treasure hunt that he still has no clue what the purpose was other than friendship, something he valued little of. Then there was quidditch. That spoke for itself in the experiences he had there.
Gazing around the Hall at all the chatter, the fourth year sighed and sat down at the end of the Hufflepuff table. Sure he had earned many points for his house, but the fact that Hufflepuff was still only third, was not at all appealing. Next term - there would be gold and black banners in the hall at this time. He would see to it, if he had to poke every last badger to class and out of the common room. Quietly, he scooped some potatoes and green beans onto his plate ....
Heading into the End of Term Feast, Lima made a beeline directly towards her
favourite Seeker. Making sure that he didn't see her of course.
She made her way right behind him, and at the right moment pounced on him in a big hug, knocking him into his potatoes.
"Denton!" she squealed at him as she clung to him still.