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Old 12-11-2008, 10:12 PM   #25 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Former Professor Valon Kazimeriz
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Originally Posted by lemondrop13 View Post
Reagan stood and smiled when the Minister of India entered the room, "Welcome, welcome. Thank you for joining us. We're just about ready to get started." Reagan wondered for how long the man would be polite. These discussions often resulted in people getting excited and sometimes angry due to the passion for their positions.

Reagan pursed her lips together so as not to let a giggle escape. When she had composed herself enough, she greeted Bao Li, "Hello Minister Li. To answer your question, the woman who was sitting with the Minister," unfortunately on his lap and making our Ministry look foolish, "was his wife, Mrs. Clara Belle-Cooper. She's the co-editor in chief of the Daily Prophet, our news publication here in Britain." Reagan paused before clarifying the Minister's confusion about her, "And I am Reagan Taylor, Minister Cooper's Senior Undersecretary. Thank you for your kind words and thank you for joining us."

Reagan nodded and explained to Minister Balasubramanium, "Yes, we are ready to begin. Thank you for waiting so patiently, sir."

Reagan sat herself up straighter in her chair and glanced at her notes before beginning, "The matter that this group has assembled to discuss pertains to India's request that flying carpets be made a legal form of transportation here in Britain and in other countries in which it is currently banned. Minister Balasubramanium, would you like to make your statement for this change to the group?"
Originally Posted by pgspickles View Post
Evaline stood up as the Minister from India walked into the conference room. She bowed her head for respect and smiled at him. "Very nice to meet you. Please sit," she replied after Reagan had introduced herself.

She sat back down and opened up her folder as Reagan talked to the Minister first and asked him to purpose his arguement. She listened intently.
"And very good to meet you as well," Minister Balasubramanium said, nodding politely. "Yes, I am most pleased that you have all chosen to be joining me for this most important discussion. "

Rather than standing, he simply levitated higher in his position, not bothering to unfold his legs from the lotus position as he addressed the group.

"Our position is quite simple: there is no reason why flying carpet devices should not being authorized for magical transportation in your countries. They are very much known to be safe and our carpet craftsmen are well regulated to ensure highest quality carpets of only the finest fibers, highest threadcount and guaranteed magical safety measures in place including braking charms and even hover charms. Historical incidents that resulted in bans, including a lack of fireproofing charms, have been resolved in our current manufacture and current models are being very good for carrying of multiple persons or even wizards with cargo. Further, problems in steering and control resulting from carpets exhibiting free will as magical objects has, for most models, been eradicated with proper usage and care. We feel that this trade relationship being reopened is most beneficial of our communities mutually. Thank you."
He lowered himself back down until he was just over his seat, folding his hands neatly in his lap. Truth was, his country needed trade relations reopened and badly; times were hard in India and harder still in the wizarding subculture. His people were suffering and the economic boost of carpet exports was vital to their survival. Most of the problems with carpets showing free will and revolting against owners had been resolved, as he had mentioned... the only problems existed when people abused their carpets, beating them to clean them instead of using gentle methods, not repairing tears and fraying, and so on. There was also the problem of woolen carpet shrinkage, which hadn't been totally resolved, but he wasn't going to delve into that unless confronted. They needed this trade agreement.
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