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The spinning and sparking stops, but then the hoops change appearance. They now resemble large chocolate chip cookies that move around, expand and contract. It's an illusion, but why do they smell like the real thing?
Anna sighed a breath of relief as the spinning and sparkling hoops suddenly returned to their original state. Hmm...now it shouldn't be too hard to maneuver through them---except, maybe that stubborn hoop at the beginning of the pitch that Anna
still hadn't managed to fly through. No sooner had she gotten that thought out, than the hoops were changing again---this time to resemble large chocolate chip cookies moving around, growing bigger, and then growing smaller. The spinning "cookies" were making her a little dizzy, and Anna had to close her eyes for a moment to make sure she wouldn't faint right off her broomstick.
When she opened her eyes again, the smell of freshly backed chocolate chips cookies met her nose, and Anna sniffed the air hungrily.
Not real, not real, not real... Making up her mind that she'd go straight to the house elves when this final was through and ask politely for a fresh batch of cookies---real cookies---Anna focused herself on what she was doing once again. Sitting up straight on her broom and focusing in on the nearest goal hoop, Anna darted forward and zoomed right through the cookie hoop before she even realized what was happening. Whoa. That was a little too easy.
Realizing that she had yet to tackle a few of the hoops at the far end of the pitch, Anna darted off in that direction and headed straight towards the nearest cookie---erm,
hoop. She gained in on the hoop quickly, yet even though she was fast, the hoop was faster this time. Just as she was about to fly through it, the hoop shrank to an abnormal size and jetted upward and away from Anna.