No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher
Suddenly, twenty hoops of various sizes appeared on the Pitch. They were floating in the air and were scattered about.
Then Professor Vindictus's voice was heard echoing loudly, but no one could see where he was sitting. "Welcome to the Flying Class Final. Your skill in the air will be tested today with various tasks. The first one has appeared before you." He was silent for a moment and then continued. "You must fly through these hoops without falling from your broom or pushing anyone off theirs. All I can say is that looks can be deceiving. Please walk with your brooms to the designated starting area beneath the goal hoops located at the east end of the stadium. When you arrive at the line, mount your broom but do not take off or put a single toe or broomstick handle past the start line. Chop, chop! Start moving!"
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