*Imaginary Tag* Tape Master
Ludo sat in a chair by the fire. His lap was covered in parchment, notes, ink, and quill. One thing was on him mind, and one thing only: O.W.L.s
Final exams began the next morning and he was studying late into the night. "The last goblin rebellion was...erm..." he thought, dreading the written History of Magic exam.
His only confidence rested in Potions and Herbology, though he wondered if his Herbology Professor would feel up to exams after his announcement.
Setting aside a stack of notes, Ludo moved on to Charms. "Ok...summoning and banishing...simple enough."
He sighed, looking at the hourglass above the fireplace. Ravenclaw was dead last for the House Cup. "Wit beyond measure..." he thought, focusing on these hopeful words.
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