Zaria laughed heartily as she saw the various reactions around the room. Seems she had a class that was particularly affected by the birds song. She knew she herself would start to get loopy after a few hours of the song, and thought that nobody should ever have to see her under its influence. Waving her wand the sound of the bird cut off mid warble. "Ahh, that was fantastic. 10 points to all the houses!"
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"Erm Professor?" she raised her hand and spoke in a loud voice to be heard over the bird and the class' reactions. "Isn't it illegal to take the silencing charm off of them? Can't the song drive you mad?" She suddenly placed her fingers in her ears, not wanting to take any risks.
She turned to the girl with surprise. "No, it is certainly not illegal," she replied still chuckling. "The birds are sold with charms already on them, and you require a license to own one. But whether or how much you chose to use the charm is completely up to you. It takes a very extended period of exposure to cause any real damage, and many people enjoy the song and its effects if any. But like I said, some people won't have any reaction at all, or it will take a long time to develop. Just a few minutes is completely harmless I assure you."
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"Professor..." She asked, as she walked towards her. "May I go...go to the bathroom..:" She whispered once aside her. "I don't feel very good..." She told her.
Zaria eyed the girl curiously before nodding her consent. "Of course you may." Turning to face the class she said, "don't worry, the effects will disappear in a couple of minutes, though you may feel happy for the rest of the day now. By all means feel free to examine the bird if you would like to. You may remove the charm again as long as you have the consent of those around you. And if you have any questions at all, please shout them out."
She walked up to the board and began to write:
1. Draw a picture of an Erumpent. (10 marks)
Using paint, draw and scan or some other image program. Don't simply post a photograph. If you completed this is the lesson you do not have to again.
2. Write a short (4-5 sentences/small paragraph) biography of the well know magical creature hunter Stein. (5 marks)
Be creative.