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Old 12-06-2008, 03:29 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Chris raised his hand and said "The priest used a lunar calendar consisting of 13 months, each being 28 days long, plus one intercalary day. the astology they used was they envisioned the entire Universe in the form of a tree, whose roots grew deep into the ground and whose branches reached high into the Heavens. The Celtic people eventually designated a tree to each Moon Phase in their calendar in accordance with its magical properties. Therefore, the Celtic Zodiac is based upon the cycle of the Moon, with the year divided into the 13 lunar months established by the Druid religion." he said as he quicky memorized from his textbook
"Very good. Five points for Gryffindor. You know you're really quite good at this...are you cheating?", he asked lightly joking with the boy a bit. If anyone could cheat in the class, a new face was the least likely culprit.

Originally Posted by Ameh View Post
Yay points! Raiden smiled and raised his hand again.

"Druids worked on a lunar based calendar, so it's longer than the actual year... I think it's 13 months instead of 12? And that means that Celtic Astrology is lunar astrology?"

He was rambling. Yay rambling.
"Are you sure? Because if you are then you're absolutely correct. Four points. And, it's 13 months of 28 days plus one."

Originally Posted by Hollister View Post
Muggle duels? Oh wow! Clifford came up with some ideas. Maybe Miles would have to challenge Lima to a duel with some tree branches, how fun. Mwaha.

"The Druids used a lunar calendar consisting of 13 months, each being 28 days long, plus one intercalary day. And Celtic Lunar Astrology is essentially a Druid Zodiac" Miles said with his hand raised.
"Very good. Four points."

Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
Muggle duels? Shaking her head, Evangeline stiffled a laugh at Clifford's answer and smiled at the Professor when he awarded her four points AND called her Prefect Green. Much, much better than Miss Kovac. Hehe.

"You can say that again, Sir." She whispered when he said that the humans come from trees theory was very different from what western believe. Upon hearing his next question, she raised her hand. "The Druids used a lunar calendar consisting of 13 months, each being 28 days long, plus one intercalary day. That makes the Celtic astrology a lunar astrology." She thought so, anyway.
"Yep! Four points!".

Originally Posted by Waterloo View Post
Perhaps next time? COOOL! Clifford grinned widely at Professor Kapoor before flicking through his textbook. Okay, so there were no Muggle duels, he needed to get his head into gear. Uuhhm.

"They go by a ... lunar calendar, I think, Sir." Clifford tried, raising his hand in the air and peering at his textbook. "There's 13 months, each one being 28 days long, plus one in- inter ... intercalary day?" Gosh, he hated long words. "So I uhm ... guess that means it's Lunar Astrology?"
Kapoor listend and smiled patiently as Clifford struggled a bit to get the word 'intercalary' out. "It is Lunar Astrology. Good answer, Clifford. Four points."

Originally Posted by deviljo8586 View Post
Sapphire raised her hand and said " the Druids went by the lunar calendar"
"Yes. Three points."

Originally Posted by NicoT View Post
Raising his hand again Nico answered, "The Druids followed a lunar tree calendar that maps the lunar changes in the year's energies- as well as the solar changes to a lesser extent. The thirteen trees are representative of the thirteen new moons that occur each year." Nicholai paused, "It's fairly unique and seems to be a standalone branch of astrology sir."
"Yes. It's a bit like African in that way. Nice of you to point out the thirteen moons. Take 4 points for your answer."

"For two points, True or False, Ivy people are known for being very studious and having a great knack for 'book learning'?"

Last edited by SlytherinSistah; 12-06-2008 at 03:40 PM. Reason: Nico! Stop distracting me with your fan dance! XD
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