Hey guys, here's the next chapter. Enjoy.
Sorry if I freaked anyone out with the posters. I personally thought it was funny, and it went with all of the girls having a secret crush on him. Anyway, let me know what you think of this one.
~Tori ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Chapter 27: The Interview When Snape came back from inspecting the Slytherin common room that evening, he looked grim. Alarmed by the expression on his face, Tori feared he had discovered the newest addition to the girls’ dormitory, but it turned out to be something else.
“Tell me, when were you planning on informing me of Lucius’ escape?” he snapped. “I had to find out from Draco.”
She didn’t know what to say. “Err, I didn’t want to bother you when you were still weak and after that, I guess I just forgot about it.” She spoke softly.
“You FORGOT?” he sneered. “Do you think HE will forget?” She bit her lip and shook her head. He sighed deeply and sat down.
“You know he’ll want revenge.”
She looked up. “Won’t he try to free Voldemort first?”
“Not a chance. He didn’t do that the previous time, so why would he bother to do so now?”
He paused for a while and then continued as if realizing something: “I guess that’s why Bill Weasley is still here. I wondered why Hogwarts would need the presence of an Auror.”
“Yes, he’s here to protect Draco.”
Snape nodded approvingly. “He’s a sensible one.” Then he turned to her, giving her a penetrating look: “Still I think you should have told me right away, I’m not made of china.”
She bowed her head and took a book from the shelf, concluding their conversation was over.
They were both immersed in reading when the fireplace produced some green sparks and Dumbledore emerged from it.
“Ah, Severus, Tori. I trust you are both well?” They answered affirmative and he smiled widely when he continued: “I received a letter from the Ministry today, announcing that you are both to be awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class for your contribution to Voldemort’s defeat.”
Tori jumped up in surprise, but Snape was unmoved. “That’s the least they could do, and about time too.” He said in his usual cold way.
Tori wanted to say something about his ungrateful reaction to the news, but Dumbledore shook his head behind Snape’s back, his eyes twinkling.
“The title will be presented to you during a reception for all those who helped during the battle, held at the Ministry.”
“I think it’s wonderful.” Tori smiled at Dumbledore.
“There’s one other thing though…”
They looked at him with expectation.
“Ahem, there are some people from the Daily Prophet that want an interview with the two of you together. I know this is the last thing you need right now, but they’re bound to write about you, with or without your approval.”
Snape looked horrified and Tori searched for a way to avoid further prying into their private life.
“Maybe they want to interview us about the Order of Merlin.” She said, not fully convinced, but noticing Snape’s expression softened a bit when she suggested it, she knew it was the only way to get him to talk to a reporter. Dumbledore nodded approvingly and gave her an encouraging tap on the shoulder.
“They are waiting for you in my office now.” He said. “Better to get it over with.”
Their mouths dropped and Tori didn’t feel up to it at all. She was very tired and all she wanted was an early night. Dumbledore didn’t seem to notice their reluctance and went on his way to his office, assuming that they would follow.
They were both extremely nervous when they went into Dumbledore’s office and Tori reached for Severus’ hand for support. That did not go unnoticed.
“Professor Snape, Miss Bloom, how wonderful to finally meet you in person. I’m Polly-Jean Blackink.” An elderly, gray-haired woman smiled gently at them. She was nothing like Rita Skeeter. Tori felt her nerves disappear and when Severus’ grip on her hand loosened, she could tell he too was more comfortable with the situation.
“Tell me about your work please; it sounds so fascinating and exciting. It was rather secretive, wasn’t it?”
They did most of the talking, the reporter only intervening when she wanted to elaborate on something. Finally she came to the questions they had both feared the most.
“Can you recall at what time exactly you realized your feelings towards each other had developed into something more?”
Tori felt him stiffening next to her and she replied. “That’s a very difficult question; I guess these things develop rather gradually…” PJ Blackink nodded understandingly.
“Have you set a date yet?” This question blew them away. They looked at each other, stunned and Tori saw his eyes harden; therefore she was quick to say something, anything…
“We haven’t…err, actually talked about…err…” she stammered, but he interrupted her in his characteristic cold voice:
“I don’t see why this would be of any interest to your readers, Mrs. Blackink.”
If she had known Severus Snape, she would have left it there, but obviously no one had told her his cold tone was only the forerunner of his fury.
“But of course they are interested! You’re such a lovely couple and it’s so romantic: an elderly professor falls for his former star student. It’s a classic!”
Tori closed her eyes, knowing there was nothing she could do to prevent his outburst. And it came.
“Madam Blackink, I was under the impression you were here to record our experiences in defeating Voldemort. Clearly that part of the conversation is over. If you have no further questions regarding our work, I consider this conversation terminated." His velvet tone only made his words sound more menacing, but Tori realized he was trying very hard to be civil.
“Oooooh, my dear professor, aren’t you the protective type! So that’s why so many women are attracted to the dark and mysterious Professor Snape. Now I can see a glimpse of that famous sex-appeal myself.” She would have said a lot more if given the chance, but Snape stood up abruptly, took Tori by the arm and dragged her towards the door. He turned around and sneered: “You, Madam, need to get a life of your own instead of sticking your nose into other people’s.” and then he took Tori with him back to the dungeon.
Tori tried to talk to him about the interview. She thought it had gone rather well, before the last few minutes that was.
“I don’t think it was necessary to be so rude.” She said.
“Quite right, that obnoxious woman should learn to stick to her story.” He answered firmly.
“Ahem. That was not what I meant.” Tori spoke softly. He turned his head towards her, his hair ending up all over his face; it made him look even more frightening when he spoke in his dark voice:
“You mean I was rude?” he looked at her like she had just told him that Voldemort was a saint.
“I only think we could have handled things a bit more…umm…friendly.” Her voice was nothing more than a whisper, but its echo rang out in the dungeon when both stared at some point in the distance, carefully avoiding looking at one another.
Snape grumbled that he needed some fresh air and stormed out of the dungeon. She sighed, knowing that he needed time to cool off. All things considered he had behaved himself during the interview, he could have been far worse. The one thing that she feared now was tomorrow’s paper. What would PJ Blackink write after being snapped at? She shivered, recalling the work of Rita Skeeter. Snape would have a fit if it would be anything like that. Sighing, she went to bed. Life surely was complicated with him and lately it seemed that she did nothing else than calm him down after he had infuriated himself over something. She had already dozed off when he finally came back in. He had been to the Quidditch field to hit some bludgers to let out the anger he felt inside and which he could not show to Tori. He climbed in bed beside her, looked at her peaceful expression, sighed deeply and turned around.
The next morning, they eagerly awaited the arrival of the Daily Prophet. When it came, Snape was in the bathroom, so Tori was the first to take a look at it. It had a large picture of the two of them on the front page. It had a brief paragraph about their work, but the body of the article was devoted to their relationship, as she had feared. It read:
“When you see Tori Bloom and Severus Snape together, it’s easy to understand why they are called our ‘favorite couple’. Everything about them breathes romance. The way he holds her hand in comfort, finishes her sentences, looks at her in admiration…need I go on? And how she tries to look after him, her worry about his safety still reflected on her beautiful young face…this truly brings joy to this old heart of mine. Anyone that has the privilege of knowing Miss Bloom will not be surprised her former professor has taken a liking to her. Not only is she beautiful, she is one of the finest minds that came out of Hogwarts in the last few decades. It makes you wonder when this attachment started, and if it is all that recent that they made us to believe. Many of you will discard this and say that a young girl’s crush on a school teacher hardly ever goes any further than languishing sighs, but then most of you do not know Professor Severus Snape! Ever since his important role in the battle of Malfoy Manor became known, his charismatic personality has charmed numerous witches. Now I had the opportunity to meet with the object of so many fantasies, I can only admit they are right. Tall, dark and gloomy, he seems to come right out of the close circle around the Dark Lord. The fact he actually has been one of them; makes him only more intriguing. His silky voice sends shivers down your spine and his jet-black eyes will hold you mesmerized for eternity. Therefore, it will not come as a surprise that they are most reluctant to give details about the time their relationship began. Maybe they find it difficult as well to face reality, knowing it might raise a few eyebrows? They are even more so keeping us in the dark about their future plans. Upon asking if they were planning on making their relationship official, Professor Snape reacted rather evasive. Does this mean that their relationship is based on mere physical attraction or is there more to it as we all assumed? Only the future will tell and then we will see if their attachment is as romantic as we all thought it was.”
Tori put the paper down and slowly the implications of what was written got through to her. When Snape came into the room, he only had to look at her face to know what was up. He snatched the paper away from her and started reading. When he looked up, his bewilderment was read all over his face. He didn’t say anything, didn’t shout, and didn’t slam any doors. He just looked at her, his hands going through his hair.
“Severus…” she started, but he pushed her aside and went for the door.
“Albus.” Was all he said.
When he opened the door, Dumbledore was about to knock on it. Tori was relieved, he would certainly know what to do.
“Severus, I take it you were on your way to see me?” Snape nodded the paper still in his hand.
“Albus, you know what that woman dares to imply?”
Tori had never seen him this pale and his burning eyes made him look even more like a man on the verge of loosing his sanity. Dumbledore came in, put his arm around him and led him to a chair.
“Sit down Severus and hear me out. When I read the article, I reacted the same way as you did.”
Tori found that hard to believe, but appreciated his attempt to soothe Snape.
“The problem is that she doesn’t accuse you of doing anything. She merely implies your attachment might go back to your time of being teacher and student.”
“Albus, very soon you will be receiving the first owls from upset parents asking for my resignation, and who would blame them?” he sounded bitter and Tori put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
“I hope it doesn’t come to that, and if it does, I will back you all the way. I will contact the editor of the Daily Prophet. I don’t know if it will do any good, but I cannot stand by and do nothing.”
“I want to sue that woman. The thought that I would…I mean a student…” he was getting all worked up now, stood up and started pacing up and down the room.
Dumbledore sighed. “I don’t think there’s any ground to sue. Like I said, she only suggests that you and Tori were involved during her time as a student.”
“Then I just have to sit and do nothing while that woman ruins my life?” His black robes swirled around the floor when his pacing became more agitated.
“Severus, most Hogwarts’ students know me and I think I can fairly say that they will not believe this woman’s slander.” She wanted to say “and they know you,” but was afraid he would take it the wrong way.
Dumbledore hugged his Potions teacher, who stiffened on the spot, and went out, saying: “Don’t let it worry you too much. I’ll do what I can, and in the mean time I suggest that you both carry on like before.”
That was easier said than done!!!!!!