♥My Very 1st Tag | ~Filofax:Forever~ | ~Evil Slythie~ | Chris' Caretaker♥ 'Oh wonderful, Freya. Look what you've done now.' She told herself as she saw her Professor's face change suddenly, she fidgeted slightly where she still sat on the ground. Freya raised an eyebrow and laughed shortly after listening to him, "I'll think I'd take my chances as a knight. I was never one for the clergy." Oh how sad that such a thing would be true. Far too many faults on her part.
Freya looked at him, shock gleaming in her pale eyes for a moment, he was right. She had thought of returning, as much as she had denied it from being true, it was always in the back of her mind. Freya couldn't look at Carracio for a moment, "She did torture me. Toughened me up she said." Freya replied quietly.' The cruciatus curse, maybe she was right about it.' Her nails dug into the ground, "I used to want to go back, but not anymore, I've moved on." 'Although I wish I knew what happened to the others there.'
A thought came to her and Freya's hand absentmindedly came up to feel across her eye, where the large gash had been several weeks ago. Her volume increased again, "Would you think I was a fool to help someone I barely knew?" 'Now I think I was just being an idiot, although I couldn't just leave the poor thing there without doing something. Saved the girl's life and now she avoids me completely.' Sure showed me a thing or two about being gracious. 'Checkmate.' She looked at him again, "What would happen if you were to lose?" Freya asked, hoping he wouldn't get in a worse mood than he already seemed to be in. 'Well, aside from losing his life anyway.' "You don't see me as a coward do you?" Freya spoke again. She had known quite a few in her life, but they left her with broken jaws and noses. Glancing at her hands she saw how frail they looked now, 'Such a far fall I've taken.'
Last edited by EquestrianGal88; 12-04-2008 at 01:57 PM.