The Disappearing Girl | | Swooping Bowtruckle Quote:
Originally Posted by The Narrator "Creative thinking, but saying a word out loud has nothing to do with completing the challenge."
As the voice falls quiet again, the circles finish their spinning and a quiet rumbling follows. A set of five mirrors arise from the stones behind everyone. The mirrors read... Ravenclaws, intelligent and true, this challenge will test your limits of logic
Correctly guess the order and a lock will be sprung
Choose wisely and carefully lest you fail
Which will be met with shame and humiliation Karma spun around to look at the mirrors. She silently mouthed the words to match what the mirrors said. "If each circle does represent a house, maybe we should try to put them in the order they were founded. But white has to be last." She frowned at reading the part about failing and that shame and humiliation will follow. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Karma thought. So maybe red, yellow, blue, green, white?
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