Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Quote:
Originally Posted by LisaPotter1125 Kyra stood up quickly and shook the hand that was being offered to her. "Good Morning, Ms. Taylor." she said cheerfully. "I'm Kyra Jennings, Head of Broom Regulatory Control. Its a pleasure to meet you." With that said, she took her seat again, eager to get started. Angelica made her way into the conference room feeling a bit out of place as she had just taken up her position as the new divison head of the Apparition Test Center a few days ago. The brown haired woman glanced around the faces seeing Ms Taylor the senior undersecretary along a few other divison and department heads who had gathered already. Seeing a woman that looked slightly familier Angelica walked over "Hello, Kyra is it, from the Broom divison on level 6?"
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