Rupert = *swoon* "You know I'm right..." Callie carefully stepped into the hidden room, that obviously hadn't been seen or used in ages. She wondered if this was where Salazar's own private room was when their was four Head's instead of one. She also hoped other's were behind her incase something unexpected happened. She heard some people get scared and light their wands. She did the same, but didn't need it for long.
She walked steadily deeper into the room, and noticed something shimmer and a noise that sounded like water. She narrowed her eyes and saw a fountain.
She walked toward the fountain and looked in it to see it almost empty of water. There was a slight trickle and put her hand down to feel the water, that was cool to the touch for being hidden for so long.
She looked up to notice a statue of a great snake with fangs, but Callie was drawn to the eyes. The eyes looked like they could see through miles into your soul, and it was intriging. She went toward the statue not taking her eyes off it, and when she finally reached it, she touched the cold stone. She wondered who built this.
__________________ Against the grain should be a way of life ;Klaudette Genevra Oddkoule: Slytherin's oddball is back;  RGFC;Tigger lovers her Pickles;PICKLEPIE <33 THE WAL'R'US;TFFC ♥ Siggy by the totally SPANKERS Lissy! ♥ |