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Old 12-01-2008, 12:56 PM
lemondrop13 lemondrop13 is offline
Default International Magical Cooperation Roundtable Discussion

In a smaller courtroom on Level Ten (but by no means closet-like, more like comfy comzy), a shiny oval-shaped table made from walnut wood sits in the center of the room, surrounded by a series of chairs, all of which have had a adaptable cushioning charm placed upon them so that they accomodate for the individual sitting in the chair.

Against the walls are the built-in seating for the courtroom, where spectators who are employees of the Department of International Magical Cooperation will be allowed to sit and observe. But be sure to keep your chatting to a minimum - we don't want you to disturb the discussions of the foreign Ministers and the Department and Division Heads of the International Magical Cooperation Department.

Ministers should be arriving by secret portkey at any moment and then the first roundtable discussion of the conference will begin!