Thread: Harry Potter: Be With You - Sa16+
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Old 11-29-2008, 01:00 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart It seems we have lost some readers, so this is for my two faithful ones lol x

Chapter Seventeen

Ron sat in his room thinking; he got up and made his way to the common room of the Gryffindor tower.
“Lavender, I need to talk to you alone”
“Ok” she smiled brightly and followed him outside, “What is it Ron?” she placed her hands round his neck but he moved them away,
“I don’t want to go out with you anymore”
“Why not, we only just got back together”
“But honestly Lavender, It’s not working for me, I like someone else”
“You mean you like Hermione - its ok you can admit it”
“I like Hermione”
“Well at least you’re honest, and anyway I think Seamus likes me”
“He does”
Lavender saw in the corner of her eye bushy brown hair moving closer, “Well how about one last kiss before you let me down”, she moved closer placed his arms on her waist and her own round his neck and before he could reply kissed him his eyes closed in surprised while hers watched the brown haired figure stop, stare and turn away back the way she came, tears falling. He pushed her back quickly,
“What did you do that for? I broke up with you”
“I just wanted something to remember you by” she smiled and walked back inside leaving him to walk back to the common room and face the wrath of Hermione, unknowingly incurred.


Harry placed the locket in his bag and sat down on a box,
“Thanks for your help; I couldn’t have done it without you two”
“Glad to be of service” they beamed talking simultaneously
“Would it be ok if we never mentioned you helping me to the rest of your family?”
“I think we can do that if we know why?”
“I told Ginny and Hermione they couldn’t help me so if they find out you did they won’t be happy, and I don’t think your parents would like me having you involved”
“Well were all grown up now” smiled Fred
“So if you need any more help just let us know” finished George.
“Take these they might come in useful” he handed him the bag of Weasley products,
“Thanks now I have to go and release a prisoner” they looked at him
“It’s a long story” he packed his stuff and threw on his cloak raising his wand underneath it,
“Thanks again, see you later” he apparated to the doorstep and walked inside finding Kreacher and Mundungus still in the kitchen.

“Thank Merlin your back, you going to let me go now?”
“Kreacher would you do the honours” the little elf snapped his fingers and the ropes disintegrated.
“Kreacher will take you back, but you can’t tell any one what I wanted, why you where here or that you had anything to do with me, if you do Kreacher will find you and I will kill you, you got it?”
He nodded looking into Harry’s eyes; he saw the fire in them, the glint of crimson hidden in the emerald
“What ever you say, I won’t say nothing to no one”
“Good, Kreacher could you take him to the leaky cauldron” he handed the wand back to him and pointed his own at him until the house elf grasped Mundungus’ arm and apparated with a pop and returned seconds later.
“Thankyou Kreacher, now I have something to give you before I return to school” he pulled out his master’s old locket keeping the Horcrux safely tucked away. “I think master Regulus would like you to have this” the elf sobbed quietly “thank you master Potter”
“Its fine, now I have one last thing for you to do”
“Yes Master Potter”
“Could you take me into Hogwarts grounds?”
“Yes elf magic will allow me too”
“I need you to take me too my dorm room in Gryffindor tower”
He nodded as Harry picked up his stuff the elf grasped his wrist in his skinny green fingers and they apparated to the tower.

“Thanks Kreacher, now you can go back to the kitchens here and you are forbidden to say anything to anyone about what I did at Grimmald place or Borgin and Burkes”
The elf nodded in reply and apparated just as Dean, Neville and Seamus walked in.
“Well you weren’t gone long” Said Neville sitting on his bed,
“Well I have to do school work as well so it’s best only to miss a few days”
“You didn’t miss much, only one day”
“Well what I was doing took less time then I thought”
“You going to let us in on what you where doing?” Grinned Dean
“Nope” Harry laughed and taking his bag with him went down to the common room.


Ron said the password and stepped inside to see Hermione crying on the couch.
“What’s wrong? What’s happened? Is it Harry?”
“Nothing Ronald, we haven’t heard from Harry so how can it be him”
“I don’t know what else you’d be upset about” He sat opposite her as she focused on her knee caps that drawn up to her chest.
“Well there’s nothing wrong with me or Harry so just leave it”
“I can’t I hate seeing you upset, just tell me what’s wrong I want to help you”
“THERE’S NOTHING WRONG” she closed her eyes but the tears still came out. After five minutes of silence and her eyes still firmly shut he got up and sat next to her.
“Is it ok if I hug you?”He asked looking at her; she sat the same but with her eyes still shut shook her head.
“What‘s happened that you won’t let me near you?”
“Why should I let you hug me if I’m not allowed Harry to as well?”
“That was different, but now I know I was wrong”
“Very wrong, so much that you damaged your friendship with me and him forever”
“Don’t be like that I said sorry”
“Saying it’s not enough”
“Tell me what I have to do then, I have no idea! You girls are so complicated I don’t know why I bother!”
“Boys are just ridiculous”
“You don’t think Harry is”
She looked up at him her eyes open her face angry,
“What’s he got that I haven’t, I’m always being measured against him so tell me” Ron got up and sat on the seat opposite her.
“He actually cares for a start, he loves Ginny so much he sneaks to see her and won’t give her up for anything, he’s kind, brave, he can manage an intelligent conversation, he’s the only boy I know that asked his best friend to do something so sad it made him cry and he doesn’t lie about having feelings for someone who might actually like him back”
“I care”
“Only about how things affect you, not anyone else”
“I care about you”
“I need more then for you just to care; I need trust, not jealousy, calm not anger and a lover not a liar”
“I haven’t lied to you”
“Again you only pick one thing; you’re never all of them you can’t be”
“I trust you; I can be calm and I…”
“You know what Ron, just leave me alone and go back to snogging Lavender”
She said standing up and walking up the steps to her room.
“I broke up with Lavender”
She paused “why were you kissing her outside the portrait hole?”
“I broke up with her and she kissed me, it was odd really… Hey you were spying on me!”
“I was going to see Ginny in the common room, I saw you were busy and I couldn’t get in so I left”
“You’re crying because Lavender kissed me”
“Brilliant deduction there Ronald” she turned and opened the door,
“Wait a minute, can’t you trust me enough to believe me when I say I broke up with her and then she kissed me”
“Not if it doesn’t sound like a true story”
“But it is, I told her I liked someone else, she said ok and she thought Seamus liked her, I turned to go and then she grabbed me and kissed me. I asked her why and she just said she wanted something to remind her of me”
“Ok Ron” she sighed and walked inside her room and went to close the door,
“YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME!” he stood holding the door stopping her from closing it,
“I never said that”
“But you spoke in that tone you used on me a hundred times before, like when we tried to say it was Snape after the Philosophers stone”
“This” he moved fast and grabbed her pulling her forward into a kiss. She resisted at first trying to pull away but he was too strong and then she gave in and fell into the embrace, her hands in his hair and kissed back just as passionately. They broke apart and stared at each other, Ron smiled but Hermione seemed still in shock. She stepped back and closed the door on his smiling face, and sat leaning against it taking deep breaths thinking about what had happened.
Ron knocked gently on the door, “Hermione talk to me”
“Could you just leave me alone for a bit? I’ll talk to you later but I just need some time to think”
“What’s there to think about?”
“Please Ron, just give me some time”
He took one last look at the door before sauntering down the stairs and out into the corridor heading to the Gryffindor common room.

Ginny sat in a chair next to the fire, writing up some potions homework. Harry smiled walking down the stairs and seeing her sitting there. He walked up behind her and placed his hands over her eyes,
“What are you doing, who is it?”She tried to pry his hands off but he laughed, “Have you missed me?”
He moved his hands and came round in front of her, she leapt up papers falling everywhere and hugged him,
“But you’ve only been gone a day”
“And I got two of them”
“It was that easy to find them?”
“Apparently, but there’s something bugging me about them”
“Like what?”
“Can we talk somewhere else?”
“Come on then” she grabbed his hand and led him out, “we can go and see Hermione, she’ll be glad to know your back and you can see the Head dorm room”
They walked hand in hand until walking straight into Ron as they turned a corner.
“Harry! Where you been mate?”
“Im not your mate” said Harry coldly as he walked past him and continued on with Ginny as Ron stood staring after them.
RIP JD Salinger
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