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Raiden laughed as an older girl spoke to him. "I don't wanna get in trouble for cheating, so I'd better not tell you... I've already been in detention," he said, very seriously, "and I don't think people would think I'm nice if I got another one already. Do they give you detentions for cheating at Hogwarts?"
He smiled and held out a hand; the sleeve of the samurai thinger slid down over it and he had to tug it back so she could take his hand.
"I'm Raiden Kururugi. It's nice to meet you! You picked a kitty? I love kitties, they're so cute and cuddly... I have a kitty."
"Hello," Hannah said, shaking the boy's hand. "I'm Hannah Weasley. Raiden. I like that name. Hmm..." she pondered. "I would assume they do give you detention for that, but I've never had detention before..." she blushed, feeling too... innocent or something. "I have a cat, too. His name is Peter. He's fat and orange and I spoil him too much." she smiled. "What's yours' name?"