Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
- The death of his parents
- Surviving the killing curse and receiving a scar
- Finding out he was a wizard
- Meeting his best friends, Ron and Hermione Weasley
- Participating and winning the Triwizard Tournament as a 4th year
- The death of Sirius Black, his godfather
- Being blamed for Dumbledore's death and the whole wizarding world thinking him crazy
- Defeating Voldemort
- Marrying Ginny Weasley
- Having children
"Great job class! It's hard to narrow a life down to only ten defining moments, isn't it?" Or should have been, Lainey thought. "Now - let's change one moment in his life and rewrite history. What do you think would have happened - what throughout history would have changed - if say.... he'd never met Ron and Hermione? Never become friends with them? What then?" Lainey frowned before adding, "And please stop making people cry in my class."
Kingston blinked at what she asked, not really believing what he was hearing. If this was another Lainey class, she would now start telling everyone to draw a scar on their foreheads and react one of those moments. But now, she was actually talking about changing a moment in his life which was when he met those two friends of his.
"Basically, he would have been dead before he was able to finish his first year and Voldemort would be cackling victoriously." Kingston told her with a simple shrug. "Miss Gra--I mean Mrs. Weasley has the brains and Mr. Weasley has... well something extraordinary. Harry Potter is merely a normal boy who got a scar and a very unlucky life to live with."