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Old 11-27-2008, 10:07 AM   #88 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Kentucky, USA
Posts: 369
Smile Chapter 25

Hey guys, thanks for the good remarks. Here's the next chapter. Enjoy!


Chapter 25: A New Challenge

When Tori woke up the next morning, she was feeling sore all over. She moaned when she got out of bed and saw Severus was already busy in the lab. He turned around when she came stumbling in and handed her a goblet with a green liquid in it.

“Here, drink this. I made something that will ease your discomfort.” When she hesitated taking it; his lips curled and he said: “Don’t worry, it’s harmless.”

She blushed and looked at him through her eyelashes. “Sorry, I really didn’t think the potion would have that specific effect on you.”

“I hope you’ve learned from the experience.” His voice sounded cold and she could detect a somewhat lighter version of his usual sneer, but there was a twinkle in his eye when he looked at her.

“Has the pain come back?” She asked.

“Yes, it’s only a headache for now, but it will get worse. I took a pain-relieving potion, one of my own.” he added.

He didn’t feel well enough to go to the Great Hall for breakfast so Tori went alone. A lot of the students and teachers stopped her to inquire about him. She could assure them he was doing much better and would be teaching again very soon, although she didn’t like the look on most students’ faces when she told them that last part.

When she got back to the dungeon, she immediately sensed that something was wrong. He was standing with his back towards her and on hearing her come in he turned around rather abruptly.

“Explain.” He seemed incredibly pale and his coal eyes gave her a penetrating look when he waved something before her eyes. It appeared to be the copy of the Daily Prophet Harry had given to her.

“Yes, hilarious, isn’t it?” She laughed, nervous, but the fake smile froze on her face when his chest swelled up and his eyebrows frowned.

“I do not find this kind of literature amusing.” She swallowed and tried to calm him down.

“I didn’t like it myself either, but there’s nothing we can do about it after all, it’s not a lie.”

“That does not give them the right to turn our private life into public knowledge. I cannot believe Dumbledore could allow something like that to be written; actually I cannot believe YOU didn’t react to it.” He looked at her like she wrote the article herself. To her utter astonishment she was searching like crazy to say something in her defense.

“What could I have done? It had already been written and it would be childish if I had if I had complained to them when all they did was write the truth. A little exaggerated and sensational maybe, but…” he interrupted.

“So, this has been sent to all subscribers?”

“Uh, yes, and since Saturday a lot of extra editions have been sold.”

“I’m going to be sick!” He did look quite green, but Tori thought he was making too much out of this.

“Really Severus, it’s not the end of the world…”

“Woman, I told you I’m going to be sick, and I mean it. I have to throw up.” And he ran to the bathroom.

Tori realized he was suffering from the effects of the Cruciatus Curse and giggled at her assumption that the article had made him sick!

He went back to the bed and nothing more was said about the article. She made sure that he had everything he needed before she went out to teach the fourth year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. They were no trouble at all and she spent quite an enjoyable morning teaching them how to make a more advanced sleeping potion, happy to hand out some well-deserved points.

After having checked on Severus, she went out for a walk. Soon a gloomy looking Sirius joined her.

“Good afternoon to you. I feel I must inquire after our national – or I must I say international – hero. I trust he’s fully recovered?”

“He will be. Thank you.”

“Well, well, who would ever have guessed that Snape would become famous for DEFEATING you-know-who? Mind you, those papers sure have a way of exaggerating.”

“Really? I thought their report about Saturday’s events was rather accurate.”

“Mmm, yes. But to insinuate you and Snape would be having an affair…”

“I admit that it was a little over the top, but we do have a relationship.”

“Of course you have, he’s your colleague.”

“I don’t mean that kind of relationship. I meant that we have a romantic one.” She felt a bit embarrassed, but the way he minimized Severus’ part in the battle had vexed her. He stared at her in total disbelief.

“You cannot be serious.”

“I’m very serious.”

“Then all the rumors are true?”

“I don’t know all the rumors, but I am staying with him in the dungeon, if that’s the one you’re referring to?”

“Wait a minute; I can’t take this in…I mean…Tori, YOU of all people…you poor thing!”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, clearly he has taken advantage of the situation, working with you. I don’t know how he did it, maybe one of his famous potions, but he must have done something to fool your better judgment.”

“He most certainly did not!” Tori felt the blood run to her cheeks and her heart was racing in anger.

“No, no, don’t excite yourself on his behalf. It’s sad. You must think all that happens between a man and a woman is hop-on hop-off for a few seconds, poor thing.”

She was sure he was about to tell her all about his skills in lovemaking and about Severus’ lack of, but at that moment something inside her snapped and she exploded. That impertinent, puffed up excuse for a man!

“Stop it now!” she yelled, his mouth already open to start talking. “What gives you the idea Severus needed a potion to win my affection? Because YOU need to rely on such resources to get a girl? And what makes you think he’s not a skillful lover? Because YOU only know one position yourself? Let me tell you something. Not only do I think he’s the most attractive, sensual and masculine man I’ve ever met, last night he gave me so many orgasms I lost count. I cannot see any other man doing that to me, can you?”

She left him standing, his mouth still open, and paced back to the castle.

She still hadn’t calmed down when she bumped into Bill Weasley.

”Hey, Tori!”

“Oh, hi Bill. I didn’t know you were still here?”

“Ah, I’m on official business, being Draco Malfoy’s bodyguard.” He laughed, but she knew he was serious.

“Not that it’s a demanding job. I’d say he’s rather safe here at Hogwarts, but I guess you’ll never know. Most of my time I spend avoiding awkward situations involving him and Shannon.” He grinned and Tori smiled back.

“Hey! There’s a smile. You looked rather troubled when I saw you talking to Black. Can’t stand he doesn’t get the girl, can he?”

She sighed. “Is nothing private here at Hogwarts?!”

Bill looked confused. “Eh, I only said that because I know he’s quite a ladies’ man, honestly I didn’t know there was anything to it. Damn, I am always putting my foot in my mouth these days!”

“It’s ok. I think I’m a bit to blame myself, but I have made it clear to him on a number of occasions that I do not want to be involved with him, but…”

“He’s too stuck-up to listen to what you have to say. I know the type.”

They laughed together and spent a bit more time talking about mutual friends and Snape, of course.

“He’s a splendid man. You make a great couple.” He said.

Tori looked up in surprise. “Don’t let Ron hear you say that!”

Bill laughed. “Oh, I know, Severus Snape is one of his worst enemies, but he’ll grow out of it eventually.”

“Yes, and now he has to deal with a Malfoy being together with Shannon as well.”

“Mmm, that’s a tricky one, I know. He seems ok to me, but I may be biased, I’m taking care of him after all. Having said that, I think it’s about time I go and find the lovebirds.”

She went back inside and was on her way down to the Potions classroom, when professor Flitwick cleared his throat.

“Tori, may I have a word with you?”

“Of course professor.” He looked very excited and gave her a big smile.

“I’m so pleased Severus is getting better.”

“So am I.”

“I mean, we’ve all had our differences with him, and I’m the last person to say that he’s an agreeable man, but you must admire what he did.” She nodded and suppressed a little giggle.

“Your work with him is over now, yes?”

“Err, yes, I think so. I’m teaching Potions right now, until he’s better.”

“Right, well, what I would like to ask you is the following: I’ve wanted to retire for quite some time now, but with all this you-know-who business I couldn’t bring myself to leave Albus like that. But now everything is different. That’s why I wanted to ask you to take over my classes from January on. Minerva told me that you enjoy teaching and I could not think of a more suitable Charm’s professor than our own charming Miss Bloom.”

Tori was overwhelmed. She hadn’t really thought about it yet, but indeed Severus’ extra work had finished and there was no need for her to stay on as his assistant. Professor Flitwick looked so hopeful and pleading at her, she didn’t have to think twice about it. After all, this opportunity was too good to miss out.

“I think I would like that very much.”

Professor Flitwick almost jumped up in the air and his eyes filled with tears when he took her hand and smiled. “Oh, thank you. This is so good for you. I’ll inform Albus right away.” And he dashed away from her. Tori took a moment to think about it. She had really liked teaching Potions, but filling in for Severus was not the same as having her own classes. Now she would have a chance to devote herself completely to one subject and to work out a curriculum for her students, her students, she liked the sound of that.

When she got back to the dungeon that evening, she told Severus about Flitwick’s offer.

“Charms is not a bad way to start a teaching career, I guess.” He didn’t seem over-enthusiastic about it, but Tori knew this was not because he wasn’t happy for her. It looked like his pains had become worse during the day and she went over to him to rub his back.

“Have you taken another pain-relieving potion?”

He sighed. “I’m waiting until I go to bed. I might take a sleeping potion.”

“You don’t have to stay up on my account. Come, let’s get you to bed.” He moved slowly towards his bedroom. Tori helped him undress and made sure he took the potion. He frowned when she tucked him in.

“I feel like a useless child.” He grumbled. She smiled, blew a string of raven hair out of his face and brushed her lips against his.

“You’ll get better soon.” When she saw him shiver under the blankets, all she wanted was to hold him, but she was afraid she would inadvertently hurt him by doing so.

“Severus?” she whispered. He slowly opened his eyes.

“Would you like to be alone tonight?” He shook his head so fiercely, she immediately undressed, climbed in bed beside him and pulled him softly to her, his head resting on her chest. Soon his steady breathing told her that he was fast asleep. She stayed awake most of the night, stroking the back of his head, fearing he would wake up if she moved.
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