From HoM Lesson II:
Text Cut: Cliffie is talented!
Originally Posted by Clifford Carden
Think about their top ten most memorable moments? Ack. Clifford wasn't sure if he had ten - and if he did, the majority of them were probably horrible. Bleh. With a small sigh, he pulled out a piece of parchment and scratched his chin with the end of his chin thoughtfully.
Text Cut: Evie is also talented!
Originally Posted by Evangeline Green
Ack. Her top ten most memorable moments? This was haaaard! Sneaking a look at Clifford, Evangeline felt her cheeks turn pink before quickly looking back down at her cheeks. EEP! She wasn't so sure she wanted to share her memories, honestly.
It was embarrassing!
Sorry, but this was just too funny... I had to put it.