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Old 07-17-2004, 07:45 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Thyn Sweet Definition of Love

To touch without touching
To embrace without fearing
Caressing thy love's heart
bringing soul's that were once apart.

The soft and gentleness of only a kiss
to the feeling of such erotic bliss
only shared and given unconditionally
to and with each other so freely.

To grasp and hold thy precious love
in thy hands protected by thy hearts glove
fulfilling every need and dreams
reaching the definition of love, it seems.

To give and receive love's trust
the souls urning and ache for it's lust
arousing the very core of life and feeling
that sends our hearts and minds reeling.

To realize that such love is within me
and wanting it to be shared with thee
releasing the passions and love
sharing deeply, gently with thy hearts glove.