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Old 11-25-2008, 05:09 AM   #15 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Gotham
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zara H. Bunbury-Foster
Fifth Year
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

Yeah Angie, this was like....2 months ago?! Good times, good times....just goes to show you that two Puffs, a Claw, and a sharp, pointy book do not get along.

Text Cut: Library Drama Part 2
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Ugh. The Rude Children (or Rudelings, as she was thinking of them) just wouldn't stop, would they? And what could Rapunzel do but retaliate! It was just that simple. Simple logic.

"Okay, little boy," Rapunzel spat, her eyes narrowing her eyes at the kid. "I would be more than happy to leave you and your little flirtfriend, here," her eyes flickered to Willow and back, "but like I said, you're blocking my path. This is a school library for all students...and I'd really hate to report you and your bum to the librarian for taking up space in front of the bookshelf."

She crossed her arms again and stared the kid down. Silly boy - acting like he owned the place. What was he, eleven? Twelve, maybe?! And Kovac - oh so high and mighty, calling Rapunzel incoherent. Oh that just made her tick.

Punz's green eyes were starting to flash, with just a tint of red showing at the corners, but she maintained a passive face as she registered Willow's words. That. Little. WITCH! SHE was the one who brought up Saint Flipping MUNGO'S!!! Punz uncrossed her arms and raised her hand, THISCLOSE to actually slapping the girl.

And then she stopped. What good would that do? She really needed to punch Kovac to truly wipe the smirk off of her hideous face...and unfortunately, Muggle dueling would probably cause her to lose her precious Captain badge.

So she dropped her hand and balled it into a fist instead, pressing her fingernails into her palm as she spoke. "What a shame it is, Kovac," Rapunzel hissed, barely moving her lips, "but I would be gone already if it weren't for Little Boy Book-Blocker right there. I, unlike the two of you, have some reading to do because I, unlike you, actually do play Quidditch quite well and I, unlike you, will be leading a team to victory this term."

She wanted to smirk in Willow's face but her sudden anger was too overwhelming for her to do much but glare at the girl. "And you," Punz added, pointing one last time at the boy, "it's a damn good thing you DON'T play Quidditch because good sportsmanship and manners are a requirement for all of my Hufflepuff players....and clearly, you can't possess those qualities if you hang around with weirdos like Kovac all day. Now. MOVE."

She put her hands - er, fists - on her hips and stared at them both. If they didn't let her get her book and leave in peace, Rapunzel was going to blow her top. And Hyper Pretzel did not mesh well with Angry Pretzel...especially not in a nice, quiet library.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
The drama level was quickly accelerating to new heights within the quiet library. It was far more beyond anything Dominic ever dealt with, but he attributed it mostly to girls. Two in particular whom were standing before him, ranting about merlin knows what.

Sighing quietly, the fourth year rolled his eyes and waited for the girls to quit their bantering at one another. They were clearly both mentally unstable, as all girls seemed to be around here.

Finally mystery girl responded back to him first and agreed about the mysteries, turning to face him and attempting to exclude Hyper girl. Excellent idea! Putting his full focus on Mystery girl, he nodded back at her. "Very true there... because who likes a boring mystery, you know?" he mused.

Dominic shook his head when the 'claw asked him about quidditch. "Not quite. Miss Interrupting Girl over here said not like I'm a quidditch player, which is true. I am not a quidditch player, as I've never played on a team. But that doesn't mean I've never played," he corrected her, smiling mischievously.

His smile faded however when Hyper Girl emphasized on 'little boy', instead of kid. Did she just call mystery girl his flirtfriend!? Merlinnnn!!!! Who did she think she was!? "Look here, this girl is not my flirtfriend, nor is she even my friend. We hardly know each other, but like I said . . . we were here first and there are other ways around the bookshelves rather than walking this way." He pointed out, glaring at the girl with the badge.

Pfft. Honestly just because she had a badge and possibly was his captain did not mean she could push younger students around. Seriously.

Little boy book-blocker?! Now Dominic had just about had it with her; reaching over towards the bookshelf, he scanned for the most appropriate sized book. Picking up a small, hardcovered book, he held it in his hand, anger flaring within him.

"I didn't say that I DIDN'T play quidditch, but that I'm not a quidditch player. There is a BIG difference, which if you knew anything at all you should know that!" The fourth year said, growing more infuriated with the blond at every word. "You have some reading to do? Fine then, read thisssss!"

Then without even thinking about the repercussions for his actions, the thirteen year old threw the book he was holding right at blondie's head. Stupid books. Stupid girls. Stupid interruptions.

Originally Posted by Oesed View Post
Flirting and Willow did not go together in one sentence. Everyone knew that. Well, everyone but Rapunzel, of course. "Watch your words, Rapunzel Black. This boy is not my flirtfriend, because unlike yourself I do not go around flirting with the first male that comes in my way, you see," Her reply came out calmly, though her forest green eyes had narrowed just a little bit. Naturally, Willow had not forgotten the way Rapunzel had been flirting with Barney back in the Joke Shop.

And Rapunzel was actually going to use physical violence with her... Willow always knew this would end up happening. Mentally unstable people ended up using their bodies to defend themselves when on an argument.

That, or Rapunzel was so dumb that she could not come up with a smart and coherent answer. Truthfully, Willow did not know which one of these was the correct one, for the girl was sure that both of them were true.

Not that she cared much, of course. But if Rapunzel set one single finger on her, Willow would actually take out her wand, because unlike the preposterous human being standing in front of her, she did not recurred to Muggle Dueling when upset. Not that she had any idea what spell she could use to defend herself, but it was most likely that Rapunzel would run away as soon as she saw Willow's wand out. And when that happened, Willow would go straight to Professor Vindictus and ask the man to do justice.

Oooh. But it seemed that Rapunzel was not entirely stupid. She had decided against punching her. Ugh. Trust her to ruin the perfect little plan Willow had managed to plot inside her head in less than a minute. Of course that this also meant that Rapunzel was too scared to lay a hand on her. Of course she was. Full snicker dancing all around her lips, the young Ravanclaw flipped her dark hair to the back.

"I'm sure that if the words 'excuse me, I need to get a book' had came out of your mouth from the very beginning, you would be gone by now. But no, you just came here, acting like the mentally unstable person you are, demanding and telling us what to do." Idiot. Walking and talking like if she owned the place. "We won the Championship last term, Black, in case you don't remember. And trust me, we will win again. We Ravenclaws have no intentions to let go of that cup." Her eyes were narrowed at this point, each word coming out in a dangerous hiss. "And just because I'm not the captain does not mean I'm not a good player. Though I'm sure your diminutive brain cannot understand that." To be honest, Willow was sure she would never be able to keep up with the Captain Duties. Good thing they had Ryan.

But just when she was about to turn back to the boy, and reply to him, her eyes widened and her mouth opened with a pop. The boy's book had hit the blonde's head.

"That was pretty spectacular, if I do say so myself," commented Willow, patting the boy's back. "But as spectacular as it was, I don't think it was the wisest thing to do. Though I'm sure it must have felt good to do it." And Merlin knew how much Willow would love to that exact same thing to Rapunzel. Except that instead of using a book, she would have gone for something a little bit more hard; like a trunk or a chair, for instance.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Although Rapunzel was feeling INCREDIBLY furious at the moment, she couldn't help but find it funny that they had the same exact reaction to her word choices. Flirtfriend - quite clever if I do say so myself, she thought, cackling inwardly at their identical expressions. "What. Ever." She rolled her eyes at their immature protesting. "And Kovac, you know you're just jealous that boys don't look at you the same way they look at me," Punz flipped her golden hair over one shoulder and simpered at the Ravvie. Oooooh burrrrn.

"I'm sorry Kovac, did you just attempt to teach me manners?!" Rapunzel's mouth fell open in mock shock. This was just too much for the theatrical in Punzel - she put a hand over her heart and took one step back. "MERLIN have mercy, the world is ENDING! I can't believe she KNOWS the phrase 'excuse me!'" Rapunzel shook her head as fake tears sprang to her eyes. "Never thought I would see the---"

She stopped speaking abruptly as something hard and pointy hit her smack dab in the center of her forehead, bringing real tears to her eyes this time.

"Oh!" Punz muttered, touching the spot on her forehead where the book's sharp corner had hit her. She pulled her hand away from her head and glanced at the blood on her fingertips. "Ohhh," she mumbled more softly this time.

And then she fainted.
Originally Posted by Granger1814 View Post
Madame Kohan, who had been making rounds in the library to determine if the students needed help, suddenly stopped in her tracks as she heard heated voices. It was the beginning of term and already there were students who seemed to be acting out.

Beginning to walk once more, she turned her strolling in the direction of the voices.

She stepped around a bookshelf; just in time to see a book flying across the expanse of space and colliding with a girl's head.

Having no idea how to react initially, she simply stood there for a few moments before her face turned up in obvious anger.

"You." She pointed towards the Hufflepuff boy who had thrown the book. "10 points from Hufflepuff and detention for you. I will not have someone disrespect this library." She spoke in a low, quiet, almost deadly-sounding voice, all the while staring sternly at him.

Next, she moved to the Hufflepuff girl who had fallen to the floor; bent down, and attempted to awaken her. "Come on, dear." She requested, her voice and facial expression one of concern.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Dominic was surprised when Mystery girl pretty much had the same reaction to 'flirtfriend'. She was actually proving to be quite entertaining minus the part about her house winning the championships; which despite the fact that he had just assaulted his potential captain with a book in the head, he wondered if he could help change that. Thoughts of winning the championships flooded his mind, as he almost forgot what he had just thrown.

Vaguely hearing mystery girl say it was spectacular, he smirked at her but then narrowed his eyes. "Not the wisest thi-? what?" He blinked at the girl, bewildered for a moment before turning to face Hyper girl.

EEK! Well at least she's quiet... but did she? Oh noes! I've killed the captain! Dominic thought, wide eyed, staring down at the blond who had a little blood oozing from her forehead.

Gulping, the fourth year tried to decide what to do next: run away? tempting. But before he could do anything, he heard a stern voice calling him out.

"Me?" he answered meekly. Gulp! Points lost and detention already before classes have even started! This was good... Biting his lower lip, he looked back over towards Mystery girl before turning to face the librarian again. "What about her?! I'm not the onlyy one at fault here!" he said, attempting to reason with her. "The girls were bantering and it just... i was infuriated with it all!" Mystery girl was just as to blame as he was, clearly.
Originally Posted by Oesed View Post

They were in trouble. All of them. Okay, not all of them, but strange sarcastic Hufflepuff boy was. And it was all because of Rapunzel, of course. You'd say that even though she was absolutely brainless at least her head would be hard enough to resist that hit, yes? Well--no. Rapunzel was not, lying on the floor unconscious. Willow took a step back, trying to keep her distance from the Hufflepuff Captain.

The question was, however, since when Madame Kohan had been so--intimidating? Last term when Willow visited her she had seemed pretty nice. The fourteen year old would have never thought of her as intimidating. Now she did, of course.

Yet another reason to never visit the library again.

"Hmm... I don't think she can walk, Madame Kohan." Pointed out Willow from where she was. "I believe she's unconscious." Trust Rapunzel to do such a thing. Fainting in the middle of the library! Hmph.

"As much as I would have loved to chuck that book at her, I was not the one that ended up doing it!" Replied Willow hastily, narrowing her eyes at him. Okay, she should not have said that. But really, she hadn't chuck the book at Rapunzel's head! Besides, the girl had totally asked for it.
Originally Posted by Granger1814 View Post
As a voice spoke up from behind her, Angela glanced back, taking note of the Ravenclaw.

"Thank you for the offer, young man, but I'll be able to take her to the hospital wing myself." She answered with a warm smile in his direction.

"If you cannot control your frustration, young man, then you are in need of some serious anger management skills. Perhaps you'll gain a bit of that while in detention." She replied while glancing towards the Hufflepuff again. "I only saw you throw the book, thus your punishment."

With a quiet sigh, Madame Kohan looked over at the Ravenclaw girl. "You may want to keep your intentions to yourself, young lady." She remarked in regard to the girl's statement about the book.

"Now, I will send the details of your detention later." She looked pointedly at the Hufflepuff boy. She was, of course, rather angry and upset that he had damaged a book; but managed to refrain from completely showing her true feelings.

With a flick of her wand, she levitated the young girl and began to walk towards the entrance of the library, intending to bring her straight to the hospital wing. She knew basics of first-aid, of course, but would rather a trained Healer to assess her.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post

Anger what skills!? Gah! The only thing that perhaps made the situation any lighter was that the librarian was the first person who had referred to him as a young man, which did brighten the moment better. Besides hitting hyper girl with a book.

Dominic nodded in understand and sighed, as he listened to her talk for a moment to mystery girl before re-addressing him and letting him know she'll send details of the detention later. "Looking forward to it," he said sarcastically, before looking briefly at mystery girl. Biting his lower lip gently, he nodded to her briefly before turning and heading out on the library.

Details of the detention will come... will come... will come... he thought, repeating it over in his head.
Originally Posted by Oesed View Post
Madame Kohan was not looking pleased over the comment Willow had uttered. Of course she wouldn't. No one could understand how much she detested Rapunzel Black, after all. "Right. I apologize, Madame Kohan," Muttered Willow chewing on her lip. Mind you, she was sorry for voicing that thought, not for wanting to do that.

Well--at least she would not have to deal with Rapunzel anymore.

"See you, stranger," Said Willow to the Odd Hufflepuff kid, with a a half smile towards him, before exiting the Library cheerfully.

It was the second time since the Term had begun --which had been only around a week ago-- and Willow had already managed to walk out free of two situations that she had created. Heh.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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