♥ Slytherin Princess to the core ♥ / St. Trinian's Terror
Sapphire flicked throughthe book and found it she raised her hand and answered "sir Grahas roughly translated into our 9 planets they are
1. Sy—Surya—Sun
2. Ch—Chandra—Moon
3. Ma—Mangal—Mars
4. Bu—Budha—Mercury
5. Gu—Guru—Jupiter
6. Sk—Shukra—Venus
7. Sa—Shani—Saturn
8. Ra—Rahu—Ascending lunar node
9. Ke—Ketu—Descending lunar node
" she hoped she was right
__________________ I love the number of children i meet who are captivated by all of it,
all of whom think i am terrifying because i play Bellatrix!!!!  ♥Tom's Treehouse♥ ♥15th July 2011 The Final Chapter♥
Last edited by Slytherin Princess; 11-24-2008 at 05:43 PM.