Thread: Harry Potter: Be With You - Sa16+
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Old 11-23-2008, 11:43 AM   #69 (permalink)
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heart while i try to think of how to be more soppy heres some more x

Chapter Fifteen

Harry lifted the sword and stabbed the cup leaving a melted hole in its place when he pulled it out. The emblem was now unrecognisable as he placed it back in the box unwilling to look at it anymore. He stood smiling, one down four to go. He sat down and considered his options; he could go back and see Ginny and Hermione or keep going. He glanced around the room he didn’t want to stay here any longer then he had to the whole place made him think of Sirius. He got up moving around the house looking at everything. He remembered cleaning out the doxy ridden curtains, and emptying the cupboard of the stuff once belonging to the Blacks now unceremoniously dumped in black bags and thrown away. He saw Mrs Weasley struggling with the Bogart representing those she loved dead; he had once been one of them he wondered what she thought of him now.
H e glanced at the heads of the stuffed house elves on the walls and then it came to him. “Kreacher!” he called, the small bulbous eyed old house elf appeared in front of him.
“Mister Potter called”
“Kreacher, I need to ask you something” he pulled out a letter from his robes, “Do you know who’s initials theses are” He pointed at the letter he and Dumbledore had recovered from the locket in there ill fated mission. “R.A.B”
“Master Regulus Black, son of my noble mistress who’s house you and your mudblood friend’s have befouled”
“He was Sirius’s brother?”
“Master Sirius, his mother’s only disappointment” he croaked
“Yes but Kreacher this is something more important, do you know what happened to the locket we found in the cupboard when we cleaned last summer?”
“The thief you brought in stole it with some of my mistress’s most valued possessions”
“Is he the same person that took the goblets?”
“The very same”
“Can you tell me what the locket was used for?”
“Master Regulus’s noble work against the dark Lord”
“Against the Dark Lord, I was told he joined him”
“My master used me most nobly to do his work, and Kreacher saw such things, such horrible things” he shook his head miserably.
“Its ok Kreacher keep going” he stood awkwardly not wanting to touch the sniffling elf to try and comfort him,
“the dark lord took me to a cave and asked me to drink then he put a locket inside and creatures in the lake leaving me inside, but my master called and I was bound to come to him, he asked me to show him the place where he drank the vile potion and called out for his mother in pain. My poor master was in such distress but he gave me the locket out of the potion and told me to destroy it but Kreacher didn’t know how”
“And what happened to your master”
“He ordered me to leave him there and not tell anyone of what had happened”
“He is dead?”
“Just as my mistress is, and master Sirius, the last sons of the noble house of black gone” he sniffed wiping his nose on the tattered piece of cloth he wore.
“Kreacher, I’m going to need your help to carry on your master’s brave work, I need you to bring me Mundungus Fletcher”
“As my master requires” he apparated with a loud pop whilst Harry moved to the living room settling on a couch and considering what he had been told.


Ginny woke to Hermione already bustling around the room; she got up slowly and looked at her,
“What time is it?”
“Still early, I couldn’t sleep”
“So I haven’t missed breakfast, or getting the timetables”
“No, it’s too early for the birds never mind that” she continued to move around the room putting her belongings away.
“Oh, well where’s Ron, so I can shout at him?”
“He’s probably still in bed, but I don’t think we should even bother with him today”
“I think you’re probably right, but it will make me feel better”
“It might do, but then so would chocolate”
“You have a valid point there Hermione, but even I can’t eat chocolate for breakfast”
“We have our own kitchen in here let’s see what’s in the cupboards”
“Sounds good” Ginny put on a jumper over her Pyjama’s and followed Hermione down the steps through the living area and into the kitchen to find Ron already standing there.

“Good morning” He said mumbling slightly,
Hermione did a double take and seeing him only in his boxers turned away quickly and left, he realised what he was wearing, but Ginny stood there looking at his face angry, and ready to be abusive.
“Get some clothes on Ronald, not every one wants to see your scrawny body this early in the morning”
“I suppose Harry looks so much better, and both of you would know”
Ginny stood her ground she wasn’t going to hit him, “As a matter of fact he does, but luckily for you it’s only me that’s seen all of him” she turned and walked away, Ron stood dumbstruck in kitchen while she joined Hermione on the couch.

“He still thinks you and Harry got together” she tied her hair back and crossed her legs sitting up,
“Well he’s an idiot, who assumes things on the basis of what he’s seen not heard”
“What did he see that would make him think that though?”
“A hug”
“A hug, Merlins beard he’s deluded”
“No I’m not; I know what I saw you weren’t even in the compartment” Ron said sitting down opposite them.
“Neither were you, you were spying as it seems you usually do now instead of getting involved” Said Hermione staring into his eyes as he sat opposite them,
“You still won’t tell me what you said for you to hug him”
“And I told you it’s between me and Harry, we’re friends nothing more then that”
“So what I’m I”
“I HONESTLY DON’T KNOW ANYMORE RON!” She got up and ran up the stairs in tears, as Ginny and Ron remained seated,
“Are you happy now?”
“Well at least someone is”
“How can you believe them, her when they won’t tell you what they said?”
“I trust them, I know that anything said between them is only ever from friendship and that Harry and Hermione have hugged so many times before why on earth should this be any different because you assume it is” She uncrossed her legs and got up, “You have to trust your friends or one day you won’t have any” he looked away as she walked up the steps and into Hermione’s room


Hermione and Ginny sat in the great hall both picking at there meals.
“Do you think Harry’s ok?” she mumbled in to her porridge
“I’m sure he is” Hermione replied smiling, “He’s going to come back, I don’t think anything could keep him away from you long”
Ginny looked at her, “Was he ok when you saw him in the office?”
“He seemed ok, just a bit anxious to go and get it done with”
She nodded, “Will you do something for me Hermione?”
“Anything” she smiled remembering what Harry had asked,
“Will you tell me what Harry said to you?”
“I can’t break his trust, to keep yours”
“That’s what I needed to here” Ginny smiled “You’re our best friend and I know how much you care for the both of us, you would never intentionally hurt either of us” they hugged as Ron came over and sat himself in front of them, looking miserable.
“Tell me where he is”
“Why Ron, what do you care?”
“If im going to be his best friend again I have to start acting like it”
Ginny and Hermione looked at each other and then him. Ginny looked doubtful, Hermione looked away from him.
“And what’s brought on this change of heart?”Ginny said looking at him,
“Just be glad something has” he replied staring at Hermione, she looked away uncomfortably and glanced at Lavender sitting down the table.
“He said he was going to Godric’s Hollow” Ginny replied, “But he might not be there”
“Well it’s a start” he turned to them both “I’m sorry, for everything, I’ve said and done”
“Your going to have to do better then that” Hermione got up and walked out of the hall.
“You might want to start with dumping Lavender and then try and apologise” she said abrasively, before walking out and running after her.


Harry sat in silent thought waiting for Kreacher to return. He smiled thinking how close he was to finding another Horcrux especially that which had helped cost his old mentor his life. He got up after an hour and began to wander the house going right to the top rooms that he had never visited before. He found Sirius’s old room, the posters and banners of Gryffindor smothering the green paper covered in the black crest. He looked through the draws still holding his belongings finding old sneakascopes, books and clothes. He looked at the photos on the walls of Sirius smiling and laughing with James, Lupin and Peter. Now only one marauder remained, the last of his friends and he had seen all of them die around him.

He left locking the door behind never wishing to go in there again. He walked down the stairs, and laying on the couch feel into a deep sleep, waiting for morning to come.
And it did, he took out his watch and glanced at the time, eight O’clock. He stretched out and went into the kitchen he knew there would be nothing to eat, and went through his bag taking out food he had saved from the train and Dursley’s. He ate and put his stuff away, took out his wand and began to practice his cleaning spells on the house.

At two o’clock, he sat down, ate some more of his rations and took out the snitch and Deluminator. He looked at them both before picking up the snitch and holding it in his hands. Its wings opened out and it soared around the room before he reached up and grabbed it to examine it. What was so important about this other then it was the first one he had caught, he put it back in the box and examined the deluminator. It was of Dumbledore’s own design, the only one and it had been left to him. He put it back and placed the box in his bag when a loud pop emanated from the drawing room with the sound of scuffling. He picking his wand up and made his way in,
“Hello Mundungus”
“Harry Potter, what you doing sending this bleeding mad house elf after me?”
“Kreacher got the dirty thief who stole from the noble house of Black”
“Thankyou Kreacher, would you mind making us something to eat while I get back what he stole”
“Of course master", He shuffled off into the kitchen faster then usual, a smile on his face proud of his achievements.
RIP JD Salinger
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