Thread: Harry Potter: Be With You - Sa16+
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Old 11-21-2008, 05:48 AM   #64 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887
heart Two days is a few days lol x

Chapter Fourteen

Hermione and Ron sat in the office; Ron stared at the carpet and Hermione at the old head masters seat in front of them.

“How could you think that Ron, why would you assume because I’m nice to Harry It means he’s cheating on Ginny?”
“That’s what it looked like”
“What exactly did you see since we talked for a good ten minutes before I hugged him?”
“When you held his hand on his shoulder and then the hugging as well as some talking, but since you cast that spell on the compartment I assume you didn’t want anyone else to know what you where saying including me and Ginny”
“We were talking about how to kill Voldemort, that’s hardly information for others to know, and Ginny had left since Harry told her he was going and he wouldn’t let her go with her, then you made it worse”
“So what were you talking about to make him cry?”
“So you believe us now?”
“No, but help to convince me”
“Why should I bother? You obviously don’t care about Harry, Ginny or me enough to trust us”
“Damn straight I don’t not when you lie to me”
“We didn’t lie we just never told you since you weren’t that interested in the first place”
“Where’s he going tonight then?”
“What do you care?”
“Just tell me”
“I refuse to speak to you ever again until you behave more rationally, and stop acting like an idiot” she got up and left, and strolled around the corridors. There was no one else out of bed so she went to see Ginny and invite her to stay in her new dorm. She knocked on the sixth year girl’s dorm,

“She’s not in here”
“She’s not down in the common room so where is she?”Said Hermione, questioning the girls in Ginny’s dorm, she turned to leave when Neville came out of his dorm and called down the stairs, “Hermione, you looking for Ginny?”
“She’s in here”
“What she in there for?” she walked up the stairs and into the room, to see Ginny lying on Harry’s bed fast asleep.
“We didn’t want to move her” He replied gesturing his head to the Dean and Seamus talking in the corner.
“Thanks Neville, do you think they mind leaving for a bit just so I can talk to her”
“I’ll go and see” he smiled and walked over to them, they nodded and left, Dean looking back as he closed the door.

“Ginny, Ginny wake up” she whispered
“Hmm what is it?” she said groggily,
“You’ve gone to sleep somewhere you shouldn’t have” she whispered in her ear and Ginny sat bolt up right looking around, “oh I didn’t did I” she sighed and flopped back on the pillows, “did they come in and see me in here?”
Hermione nodded, as Ginny put her hand to her head,
“I just was thinking about him am I must have just drifted off, they must think its hilarious, do they know Harry’s gone?”
“Not yet, shall I tell them?”
“You might as well; I’d better go to my own bed”
“Well I was wondering if you wanted to sleep in my new dorm with me, I don’t want to be alone with Ron, not tonight”
“Sure “she smiled “I could do with the company, though I thought you’d like being all alone with Ronald”
“Not after what he’s said tonight, I’m currently not talking to him”
“Well that’s a good start in any relationship” she grinned
“Luckily for me I’m not in one with him”
“That’s the spirit; you’ve got the whole hating Ron thing down now”

They both laughed and got up to leave they opened the door and Ginny went to her dorm to get some stuff and Hermione to tell the boys huddled by the fire what had happened to Harry.

“He’s just gone away for a bit but he’ll be back soon so no moving anyone else in”
“Damn I had Lavender all packed and waiting” smiled Seamus
“Well your outta luck there mate, I heard she and Ron are back on” Said Dean laughing,
“You did?”Said Hermione looking shocked and trying to hide it,
“Yeah, they were real close outside the portrait hole before” he replied, smiling at Seamus and Neville
“You ready Ginny” she said distracting herself as Ginny came down the stairs bag in hand, “Yep lets go”


“You going to tell me what he said to you to make to stop talking to him altogether” said Ginny laying down on the bed next to her and looking up at the ceiling.
“He was horrid, stupid and completely ridiculous”
“What’s new?”
“And he accused me of secretly having a relationship with Harry”
“He did what?!” she sat up, her face pale
Hermione remained silent
“You gotta be joking with me Hermione, what the hells wrong with him?”
She shrugged,
“He cornered me as we where going to McGonagall’s office to report before we to go on patrol, and then Harry was there to see McGonagall who was escorting him to Hogsmeade. He got all angry and accused us making no sense at all”
“Where is he? I’m going to kill him”
“Just wait Ginny before you do anything”
“Why if he’s paranoid enough to think anything of you and Harry what else is he conspiring about?”
“I don’t know and I don’t care as long as he stays away from you and me” Hermione added looking upset, “He doesn’t deserve you as a sister or me as a friend if he can believe I would do something like that to you, you’re my best friend and I love you like a sister, if he tries to jeopardise that he loses me”


Ron paced about the common room in the heads dorm; he had been so stupid but if anyone else had seen them like that wouldn’t they think the same?

She was just up the steps, he could just go and try to talk to her. He made his way across the room and went to knock when he heard them, there were two voices it was Ginny as well.

He walked away and into his bed room and took off his robes and leaving his boxers on. He lay on the bed and closed his eyes guilt taking over; he should have gone with him.


Harry found himself in the centre of a small village; he pulled out his invisibility cloak and placed it over his head, covering himself completely. He pulled out his wand and walked somehow knowing where to go finding himself at the corner of a street, where the ruins of a house stood in the cloak of darkness.

He stood sadly looking at his birthplace, a monument standing next to it of a family smiling down at him his mother, father and infant self immortalized in stone. He knew only the magical community could see this place and the charms that protected it had long been destroyed but he felt safe. Walking among the stone and wood he found parts of his life taken away from him, bits of photos, toys and clothes scattered among the ruins. He left making his way down the street to where the there where sounds of life, echoing around. He felt drawn to the place a head to what looked like a large field, as he got closer and the street lights clearer he saw it was a grave yard, his pace quickened as he neared it, his wand still drawn cautiously. He looked at the dates on the graves moving to the back rows, until he found them buried beneath an angel.

“I know you said you’ll be with me in spirit but it’s not the same as in body, it’s been seventeen years and I miss you two so much, but I want to thankyou for what you did for me though wish sometimes I could have you here with me instead” he conjured a wreath of lillies and lay them at the angels feet.

H e walked away and headed back to the ruins, he was sure if it was anywhere it would be here. He moved cautiously stepping on glass, wood bricks and belongings, searching for the Horcrux feeling he would know it when he saw it. Lifting up bricks he came across some dirt which seemed different to the rest, it had been dug out and replaced. He began to dig furiously with his hands forgetting he held a wand, when suddenly pain shot through his scar and he looked around. He was angry with someone and before Harry could think anymore of it he heard voices.

“Yeh this place is full of muggles but there are some wizards here, they flock to the house to see where the kid supposedly beat the Dark Lord”
“So what’s next?”
“Snape said to keep watch at the house in case Potter comes here”
“I want to know who made him boss”
“He’s his right hand man now; we’ll do well to keep on good terms with him”
“If that’s what you get for killing Dumbledore I’d kill him any day”
“You wouldn’t last three minutes in a duel with old man Dumbledore”
“Neither would you”
“Well it’s a good thing we don’t have the option too” they laughed and Harry felt a pang in his stomach. They were getting closer; Harry would have to be quick. He continued until he felt his hand hit something solid. He grabbed it, pulling out a box and placing it in his bag not bothering to check, this had to be it and now he had to get out. He kicked the dirt back and placed the bricks on top quietly, moving swiftly out of sight into an alleyway, he pulled out his wand and apparated to the only place he could think of.

He stood on the doorstep of Grimmald place which now belonged to him. He opened the door still covered in his cloak and made his way down the hallway. He opened the door to the kitchen to find it the same as always, the house was still protected the order had made sure and he sat himself down at the table to uncover his prize.

He opened the box his wand still in hand, a wave of relief crashing over him as he recognised the Hufflepuff emblem on the golden cup. The task was now simple enough as he drew the sword from his bag and moved forward to stab it.
RIP JD Salinger
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