The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde Attention Students Charms Class Three will be taught by Cassandra Trelawney. ooc: This will take place November 28th and will go on through Saturday and Sunday.
1. Do NOT arrive late to class. You WILL lose points no matter which house you are in. Contrary to popular belief, I do not play favorites. ooc: If you arrive after a class has started, just jump right into RPing as though your character has been there the whole time. Trel will react as if you were always there.
2. Do NOT just spout off your answers to my questions. I will not give you points. Raise your hand before answering all my questions. ooc: I don't mean to type a post that says Jen raises her hand. What I mean is, RP raising your hand before the answer, like this: Jen raised her hand and answered "Incendio." Also I will award points for the effort you put in your posts. Not necessarily how MANY posts but the effort and creativity you put into your post. You won't see me announce those points but I will post it on the points board.
3. Do NOT think to disrupt my class with chitter chatter. You are here to learn from me, and not to find out what Witch Weekly's Hot new lipgloss color is this season. I will deduct points and if it goes on more than three times, you will be removed from my classroom.
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