Thread: HoM Lesson Two
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Old 07-16-2004, 05:54 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Currently: Diane Entelequia
Second Year

"Well, even if jealous, that was not much of an excuse for persecuting us, was it?" Nadia said pondering the matter. "They would need a batter excuse to movilisize so many people against it. Maybe a bit of the two, jealousy and fear. But muggle wouldn't be that wrong - well, apart from the *better* statement, we do have more power and reason for them to feel pretty jealous. It hapens, like the case with Harry Potter's relatives, the Dursleys. But you also have to find quite some courage to face and persecute wizards, who have magic on their side. That courage probably strouted by rage, which came from the frustration of them not having the powers wizards do, therefore feeling powerless and afraid... and yes, maybe jealous...

"... who knows, you might be right. After all that is pretty much the reason why Dead Eaters exists too, eh? The belief that one is better than the other..."

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